What i am doing to fight pollution in my community

in Steem Cameroon3 years ago

Hello everyone. This contest about how to battle or help reduce pollution in or environments is a major factor or problem that we need to take a seriouse look up to.
Pollution is becoming one of the major problems in our world today. Almost everything beneficial to man is being polluted day in day out,starting from our water bodies, lands and air. Here are some of the main cause of pollution these days in our african communities as to water air and land;

☆Water Pollution: The quality of the water accessible to those in Africa is essential. “water is said to be life" A major cause of water pollution in Africa is the throwing of general waste into water bodies. Communities in poverty do not usually have the funding to create proper waste-management systems so they pollute their water supplies instead. This act of disposing waste is becoming common and adopted among the people.

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☆Air Pollution: Air pollution is Africa’s biggest environmental risk. Air pollution is a major problem throughout all of the world. In Africa, air pollution is becoming the most dangerous environmental risk that residents face. Apart from industrial pollutions by factories in africa, most of the roads in local communities in africa are bare roads, which is full of dust. Which causes seriouse lung disease to the human body.

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☆ land pollution; land pollution is mostly caused by illegal and legal mining in africa. Ghana to be precisely has the highest number of illegal mining activies recorded so far. This act causes a great harm to our land. Most of the nutrients in the soil are being carried away by the activity, which sometimes make it hard for crops to grow.


Even though there are other form of pollution but these are the major ones that really need to be attended to. As the contest is asking of how will one help fight these pollution i their community. Here are some of my few suggestions of to battle these pollutions

♧First of all i will like to talk about how to battle the pollution of our water bodies; mining activities need to be stopped from washing inside our water bodies as they are one of the main cause of water pollution in my community, the disposal of waste into water bodies need to be stopeped too.
♧ The roads need to be constructed with gravel and coal tar in oder to reduce the the pollution of the dust. Also air from factories have to be collected in a sewage system so as to prevent it from going into the air as it causes a great harm to humans.
♧ Illegal mining activities need to be stoped and any perpetrator will have to be punished by the government for refusing to abide with the laws. Also the cutting down of trees has to be stopped, for it also causes harm to the soil ir land.

HOW I AM CONTRIBUTING IN THE FIGHT OF POLLUTION IN MY COMMUNITY; with regards to the air pollution, i try to use public transport as it is a sure short way of contributing to less air pollution as it provides with less gas and energy. In addition to less release of fuels and gas.
I try to take some products in the house to a recycling house for it to be recycled and reuse. It doesn't just conserve resources but also is helpful for air pollution as it helps in reducing pollution emissions. The recycled products also take less power to make other products.

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The act of disposing waste in water bodies in my community is common so i do try to talk to the teenagers to desist from such as as it causes our water bodies to be polluted and are gutters too get chocked due to the waste in them. Floods could occur if these chocked gutters are not drained or cleaned so i do help in community labour with other people in the community every first saturday of every month.


I try to talk to some of the industries with the help of some community members that they should create a sewage system where they could direct their waste into.
I try to talk to every household to try their possible best to install a water efficient toilet, and to avoid dedicating around and in water bodies.

With how to help in the fighg to avoid land pollution i try to educate locals about the concept of reduce, recycle and reuse, and to avoid disposing waste especially one that can be recycled any how.
I also tell them to rduce the use of non-biodegradable materials. By simply switching to a reusable cloth bag for groceries instead of plastic shopping bags will help cut down on the need for non-biodegradable materials, because they end up throwing the plastic bags into water bodies after use which isn't a good act.

Lastly i tell them not to litter gabbages on the ground or any where and try to practise a proper sanitation, and try to use biodegradable materials more.

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 3 years ago 

Hello good evening sir,,
This is a great write up educating the fellow steemians on pollution. It is very tempting to say pollution now is not only from air, land , water etc but in the mind. As funny bas it may sound, if we are educated like this and our minds are transformed then we will reduce the physical aspect of pollution. Thanks for this write up sir, i have learnt alot. Stay safe
#twopercent #cameroon

 3 years ago 

You are welcome sir....

 3 years ago 

This is beautiful but please make sure you always include all image sources.

 3 years ago 


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