Steemit Engagement Challenge S8-W1 | Love is Magical When it is Secured.

in Steem Cameroon2 years ago


Hello to everyone. This is a new and fresh start of the engagement challenge of the season 8. This is actually the first week and i deem it a pleasure to have found my self here putting out my entry of the contest.

This is actually a great opportunity for me. This topic about love is really an amazing one. Love doesn’t just have to do with the words we spit out or say. But what we actually or really prove. I strongly hope that this new season be of good one to me.

How True is the assumption that “Love is Magical”?
Love in my view is the bond that keeps two individuals(souls) connected and attached to one another spiritually and physically. The kind of bond these individuals share for one another is so strong that it is almost impossible for someone to tamper with that bond unless they are willing to give in. The bond that’s keeping these two individuals makes them one and keeps them caring for one another no matter what. The love these individuals have for one another is what makes them do the unimaginable things we see them do.

“Love is magical” because individuals who happen to have falling in love with one another deeply and truthfully do unimaginable things that they themselves don’t actually know that they are doing. This is because, their actions and behaviors are strange and different when it comes to the individual they love. This kind of things doesn’t happen between two only lovers alone but it stretches out to the love we have for people so dear to us. It could be our relatives or friends. Love is actually magical because people who are in love with one another do unimaginable things out of love that in normal sense is difficult to understand.

Do you feel secure when you are in love?


This can be related to an individual who happens to have found themselves in a family. The family makes sure that this particular individual is being taken care of and is also safe with them. They do whatever means of their power to make sure that this individual is safe. Which is solely because they love this individual.

I will also definitely be safe and secure when i am in love with someone. This is because i will be of a very important thing to that person I am in love with. Therefore they will also do whatever means of their power to make me safe and secure all the time. So i will stand on this and say that i feel safe when i am in love.

Give three scenarios where this statement is true “Love is Magical when it is secured”
This statement is true and there are so many scenarios or occasions we can relate this from. This is because we can talk from our own personal experiences and also from what we happen to be seeing and observing from around us. Below are the three scenarios i will like to relate from.
  • Having a protective and caring partner is one of the signs of the statements above. This type of partner has made it their top most priority to always make you feel secure and safe. Which shows how they truly care for you.

  • Our partners or loved ones standing up for us when ever we happen to have found ourselves in some sort of problem shows that we are safe and secure around them. One wouldn’t leave his own personal issues to come and stand up for someone’s else problem without even having the knowledge of how serious the issue is. They don’t care about what the outcome will be. Their main goal is to see to it that we the ones they love are safe and secured first.

  • A relationship or love which is free from any form or relationship toxicity. Can be described as a secured one. This is because the security and well-being of both individuals is safe and free from any harm. So, finding one’s self in a healthy relationship is a clear sign of love is magical when secured.

What are the impacts of this statement on you, your friends, your family, and society?


The impact of the above statement on me and the people around me is so many forms. The people of my friends happens to be living a healthier and peaceful life same as me. This is because the love we happen to have found ourselves in a very secured and safe one.

There is less violence and trouble in our daily lives because the people who are showing us love doesn’t what to see us hurt and worried. So they try to solve and understand every little problem we encounter, either with them or someone else.

 2 years ago 

Sin duda el amor nos hace hacer cosa inimaginables, y ciertamente es allí donde nace la magia, porque el amor muchas veces es ciego y nos dejamos llevar.

Tienes razón cuando dices que el amor es seguro sin dentro de la pareja no hay celos o desconfianza y situación tóxicas, solo cuándo el amor es libre es cuando realmente lo disfrutamos.

Te deseo mucha suerte con tu entrada
Bendiciones ✨✨💞


Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this topic. Your article is a wonderful reminder of the positive impact that love can have on our lives, and it inspires us to cherish and nurture the relationships that matter to us. Keep up the fantastic work!👍🏻

 2 years ago 

Exactly, we need to cherish the love we have

I will also definitely be safe and secure when i am in love with someone. This is because i will be of a very important thing to that person I am in love with.

You're right, love tends to build trust, trust on the other hand built confidence and this will build a shield and peace of mind

 2 years ago 

Yes it really does

You really had a detailed explanation. Love is indeed magical I enjoyed your entry. I wish you success in the engagement challenge.

 2 years ago 

Thank you buddy

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