My diary game : steem for better life 15/12/2022

in Steem Cameroon2 years ago

I had to pass by one of my friends place for him to show me some headphones he had wanted me to buy for him. Upon getting at his place, i called him that is his phone but he wasn’t answering. I tried calling for several times but he wasn’t answering so i then tried to knock on his door. He then came to open up the door after the second knock. He was looking like he just got up from sleep. I told him i came by to see the headphones he wanted. He showed me the pictures, after which I told him i will call and tell him the price after getting to work.

I left his place and headed for work. Luckily enough, I was picked up by one motorcycle rider who was headed in my direction but not going to exactly where I was going. So he has to drop me on the road. That is if he reaches his destination. I picked up a car straight to where I was going after I was been dropped off. I got to work a bit late. So I quickly cleaned up the place and set it ready for work.

Image of me after I was done setting the place up and seated or ready to work

I sat there for several hours waiting for customers to come. Unfortunately no one came by. So all i had to do was bring out my phone in order to keep my self busy. I was caught on several social media, just exploring the internet. I then checked the time on my phone and it was time for prayers. So I had to stop and go pray. I didn’t spend much time there. That is during the prayers. On my way back, I decided to buy some food to bring it along to eat.

I came back with the food, sat comfortably and ate it. Immediately after eating, one customer came by with a faulty ps4 controller and asked me to fix it for him. I examined it and got to know that the problem was on the motherboard. I told him what the fault was. After which he gave me money to buy a new one for him. I came back and fixed it for him. After repairing the faulty ps4 controller, I then remembered that I was being asked to check on the price of a headphone. I then went to the shop were it is being sold and bought some.

The images of headphone I asked about and the ps4 controller i fixed

I called the guy told him about the prices. I also tried to show him the picture. After some few minutes, I decided to go home. But I first of all decided to pass by one of my friends place. Upon getting there, was a this little dogs that seem to be barking a lot at me whenever i come there. The dogs are really cute and fun though. I entered the room and he was lying on the bed watching television. So I joined him. We were discussing when he asked me to go escort him to buy some thing.


The puppies running towards me as I was entering the living room

We went and bought it, after which we came back to the house. We didn’t sit again but decided to go and pray for it was even pass time for prayers. I then decided to leave for home after the prayers. Upon my arrival by the roadside, I decided to buy some food. It was actually yam chips. Which I took it home to eat


As I stopped by to buy the yam chips

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