Some really cheap and fun hobbies you want to try by @graciella

in Steem Cameroon2 years ago

Are you by any chance searching for new ways you can have fun and relax without breaking some bank? Luckily for you cultivating a couple of new hobbies is a great solution. If you're tired of your old routine or maybe you just want to save money, then finding new ways to spend your extra time might just be beneficial to your wallet and to your wellbeing and health in general.


These hobbies will be low cost if not free plus you might just learn something new like writing, reading, playing an instrument and more. We will look at 6 today and the remaining 6 next time...



It's not only at the gym you remain fit or active. Take a walk around your neighborhood depending on where you live and reconnect with mother nature(I tend to do this a lot and I think @majerius will do this well, you too like waka).

Maybe walking isn’t your thing then you can get a cheap or affordable bike and ride around your town. Or if you’re in a place where you can rent a bike, then great rent one for maybe a day and decide if it’s worth investing in as a hobby.

Since these two things only need decent shoes which I'm sure you have already plus comfortable clothes.



Reading is a very cheap hobby with plenty of benefits as it pushes your focus on something that is meaningful, can also serve as some kind of escape and even spark your inspiration/creativity. Even if you’re just reading nonfiction books, you might still learn something new.

But then if you’re not a fan of flipping pages you can try audiobooks. They’re thesame as podcasts so you can take these with you wherever you go and even listen to them on a walk.

So instead of actually buying the books you want to read, there are libraries you can borrow from. These days you don't even need to borrow as a lot of websites offer free ebooks you can just download.



When you're in school, you wrote a lot right? But when you graduate, it feels like that's the last thing you would want to do. Well you see, spending some downtime on writing of any form has a few benefits. Like keeping a journal which can help to keep sharpen your mind and keep your emotions in control. A lot of people find that it's helpful to keep especially a gratitude journal.

Writing poetry too is another form or maybe a short story or if possible a novel, that'll be a beautiful journey of creativity to try. Besides you only need a pen, paper or any software like Microsoft Word etc and you're good to go plus we even have steemit to post some of those writeups and earn from it(bonus).

Maybe you need something a lot simple then you can spend one afternoon writing a letter to someone you're close to and it could be a fun way to develop your relationship and pass time plus its completely free.


4. Cooking or baking as a hobby;

Some people are just miserable just by the thought of spending time in the kitchen but for others, they feel bliss by experimenting with different ingredients like me😁 especially when flour is concerned. For this, it'll cost you whatever you're paying for the needed ingredients and eating at home is generally cheaper than dining out.

You know the fun part about cooking and baking? There are sooo sooo many recipes online to try out so you won't need to get cookbook.


5.Game as a hobby;

So buying a board games may look expensive at first but then it's not so bad when you think about how much you'll use them. Let's say you buy a board game for 2500frs for example and get to play it 5 times with your friends, that’s alreadt 500frs worth of entertainment for a night and the best part is the cost goes down as you play it more.
Board games are generally timeless so you just need to find anoyone you all can enjoy be it chess, checkers, ludo etc. Considering how much it's going to cost you meeting up at a restaurant or bar with your friends only for a few hours.

Ohh I even forgot most of these board games now are available online completely for free so you can play with friends even if they're in different locations and it helps keep in touch. Forget i talked only about board games, there are a lot more you can try...


6. Educational hobbies;
This might sound strange to you as maybe learning doesn't come off as a hobby to you but it can be.

You can maybe choose to learn a new language like me or just to learn a new skill that can always come in handy. It's also possible there is a specific topic you've been wanting to research on and so on. Any search for knowledge is always a worthy one and luckily there is a lot of free resources online to make use of.


That's it for today, thanks for your much needed time and have a beautiful day....


Nice list you describe here. Thanks for sharing us.

 2 years ago 

Thank you too for your time.

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