10 worst things you can do for your body

in Steem Cameroon2 years ago

Greetings people!!! There are somethings we do daily thinking it's healthy or good for our body without even knowing its effects. There are some that we overdo, some we ignore and a lot more. Today I'll be going over 10 things we do that aren't very good for our body...


1. Not allowing proper recovery;
If you're one of those exercising regularly I'd say congratulations BUT if you don't eat correctly after workout so as to build muscle and restore nutrients, you're simple sabotaging this healthy habit. Aside feeding, you need enough sleep so the body can rebuild or repair itself. You'll be risking serious injury if you skip recovery because it is crucial and must not be neglected. So while you're at it keep in mind that "Rome wasn’t built in a day."

2. Not getting enough sleep;
Ever heard of sleep deprivation??? Well it is harmful to your body. It could increase blood pressure, male toy eat more and even shrink your brain. At times like this, if you drive avoid it as when you're tired or sleepy your reactions will be slower three times.

3. Overtraining:
Yes, too much of anything at all is bad no matter how good it is. So doing more work out than your body can handle is very disadvantageous. Too much exercising will instead not give you the results you're looking for since you overstressed your body and gave it no time to recover.

4. Relying too much on weight machines;
So you go to the gym, great!!!. Now what exercises do you do there, if you're using weight machines a lot, your normal body weight isn't used to imitate motions done through the day and so it's not helping your body to function better. So next time you go to the gym, try not to pay attention to the squat machine instead you could do your lunges with maybe holding dumbbell weights in your hands.

5. Not staying hydrated;
In as much as staying hydrated isn't just about water, you should drink enough water as it helps the body get rid of waste and toxins. Water also helps our body transport nutrients and oxygen to the muscles and it also protects each organ. It is calculated that you divide your body weight in pounds by 2 for you to know the amount of water measured in ounces to drink daily. Okay so water alone can be hard to drink sometimes, but you need to stay hydrated. Beverages can act as an alternatives but it'll depend on its hydration index(how fast it gets you hydrated). An example is milk which has higher hydration index as compared to thimgs like coffee or tea.

6. Snoozing;
We all have clicked the snooze button a couple of times after our alarm goes off. But did you know that puts more stress on your body?? Well that's because it completely disrupts the sleeping process leaving you more tired. So maybe you hit snooze button because you are too tired to wake up or move, in that case its much better you simple reset your alarm. But if someone you can get out of bed after hearing your alarm, just try as much as possible to do so instead of hitting ‘snooze’.

7. Staying indoors for too long;
Well if you're suffering from depression then you could decide to remain in bed all day. But then if you also don’t go outside, you'll be missing on vitamin D that we get from sunshine and approximately 20 minutes of sunshine daily is advised. When you have a deficiency of vitamin D, you might start seeing symptoms like depression, fatigue sweating etc.

8. Being a workaholic;
Working is normally good and on it's own, it causes no problems at all. But being a workaholic or working excessively can cause several consequences such as under or overweight and both show malnutrition, it can also cause heart disease and high blood pressure. Even cancer too is associated with much stress. So do well to rest.

9. Too much texting and screen time;
You're ruining your posture with all the time you use to look down at your phone to reply messages or text or stare at your phone and that causes significant damage to your health. Any added pressure on your spine could tighten the front muscles of the shoulder thus causing potential "rotator cuff tendinitis.

Research has shown that those who more time on screen daily have greater risk of dying earlier from whatsoever cause than those spening less time. Always put your phones away in bed as our body needs some amount of darkness to generate melatonin that puts us to sleep.

10. Consuming sugar;
Sugar as we know causes diabetes, hypertension, it leads to weight gain and many other health problems. It’s one of the things you should avoid at every cost. Well some of us consume about 22 spoons of sugar day or even more from tea, biscuits, cake etc when we should be aiming for 6-9 spoons. You could start by reading the nutritional labels of products you take to get clear information before consumption. Also reduce intake of soft drinks as they have high amount of sugar. Research has already proven how unhealthy sugar is. Sugar also reduces life expectancy rate as it can damage telomeres, which affects the aging of cells.

BONUS POINT ~ Overlooking health symptoms;
Do you know you might be sick without even knowing it?? If at some point you're bothered by something that happened out of ordinary, seeing a doctor will be good idea. Sometimes we may feel it's nothing or a waste of time. If the money is there, it's a great idea to visit a doctor. Take patients with an addiction or high blood or diabetes or maybe high cholesterol and many other illnesses that are treatable but at the start they just ignored the few symptoms. You should know that everything starts small and those serious effects don't always show for a couple of years. But by that time, it is already too late since the damage is done.


 2 years ago 

This is a great peice.
Very very educational and important for a healthy life.
I think you'll do great as a health practitioner. Cheers ☺️☺️

 2 years ago 

🤗🤗thank you

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