in Steem Cameroon3 years ago

Greetings everyone in this house of steem cameroon community. It's soon going to be December and as any festive season, there are going to be expectations both from us and our love ones. Expectations comes with a great need and desires.


December 25th of every year is celebrated as the birth of Our Saviour, Jesus Christ. This is observed all over the globe. Even though it's a day to celebrate and commemorate the birth of our Saviour, a lot of homes go through a lot emotionally and economically. Dresses and food needs to be bought and most people wait till the final day to purchase all these items. Most at times these last minutes preparations usually leads to failures. And when they fail it starts to affect the homes. For those who don't really know the Christian way of celebrating this day turns to fight each other.

My fellow steemians, if you have plans to celebrate this day properly it's time you start the preparation now. If you are to buy fowls either buy yours and feed them to get mature or better still save the money for such a day.
If you are to buy dresses for you and the family better start buying them now.

I have come to realize that demand for most commodities during such a period are usually higher as compared to now. As a result of the increase in demand there's going to be increased in prices. This is from experience and thanks to the laws of demand and supply in economics.

 3 years ago 

Buying things earlier always saves people from stress. Thanks for the writeup

 3 years ago 

Truly feeding ones fowl on the market day won't help

 3 years ago 

There is always a saying that failing to plan is planning to fail ,seting your goals for such celebration is a wise decision to do for help to save excess expenditure and strees for that day thanks for sharing

 3 years ago 

Yeah exactly dear, the best way to actually start preparing for Xmas is now so as to reduce the stressed during the Xmas period. And that time things too will be expensive

 3 years ago 

This is a great idea
Waiting for the D-DAY to start preparing things is really challenging

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