Contest Emergency Care: Payment Before Treatment (08/11/2022)

in Steem Cameroon2 years ago (edited)

Greetings everyone how are you all doing it a great day and I am so happy to participate in this week wonderful contest that says "Contest Emergency Care @chant Steem Cameroon please do well to read to the end.


Emergency care

What is the situation in your country when it comes to emergency care?

Now before I start I will love to talk about what Emergency Care is all about, it is the medical speciality concerned with the care of illnesses or injuries requiring immediate medical attention.

As for my country Nigeria is is very poor and many unfortunate even after a great deal of praises by patients and the overall population. In any case, I will say that many have passed on a preventable demise because of this equivalent compensation before treatment condition.

The gauge grievance by medical services suppliers is that some patients doesn't pay in the wake of treating their immergency casualties and in some cases the patient is even deserted in their grasp.

What does it take to humanize healthcare delivery in your country.?

Indeed, it takes the public authority, people and the concerned confidential bodies. Yet, let me say it took these bodies to come in as a delegate between the medical care suppliers and the patients particularly on crisis the topic.

In the new time, many concerned gatherings and confidential associations, the public authority, people have really pushed in their arrangements that actually takes a look at the situation of individuals immergency wellbeing wise.

An arrangement has been set up by the main government, among other salvage missions, to help individuals on a crises, guarantee speedy reaction, fast treatment, and more to any crisis patients.

Confidential associations have likewise committed their time, exertion and assets to work with wellbeing laborers so they won't hold back to treat anybody on a crisis medical issue.

Also, the current government is making an honest effort to get to know wellbeing laborers by guaranteeing that their levy are met and on time, with this, the wellbeing association will educate their individuals to invest more energy in saving the existences of individuals as opposed to taking to the streets or modern activity.

Do you encourage or discourage the idea of payment before treatment?

Indeed thank you, I can't empower it as an unquestionable requirement, installment before treatment insofar as saving human existence is concerned. In any event, in all odd, emergency treatment need to be given to a patient on immergency medical issue.

While different conversations and matters follows and to be sure guide out the technique to adjust and settle what is going on between the patients and the medical care suppliers so that no side would feel abused.

If you are appointed minister of public health in your country, how will you tackle this?

Indeed everything, is by the method of perceptions, if numerous other wellbeing experts under my supervision, has this grumbles of what they summed up of individuals' mentalities that the majority of them pursue a mile treatment and myself safe house gone such far of turning into the clergyman of general wellbeing the nation, would have validated some treatable circumstance of such, I should, map out a procedure, similar to I referenced previously.

This methodology would incorporate public edification about the circumstance, allowing even the public authority to be away and each other concerned bodies what we are going through In wording o treatment and installment so that all in all, the issue will be fixed for the last time.

These are potential estimates I can approach quickly to obliterate such cruelty of sulking at patients till death.

Advise Hospital directors, caregivers, and patients about this issue?

The Prompt Clinic chiefs guardians and patients about this issue i will have to advise the medical services suppliers, I would encourage them to give emergency treatment and attention to patients particularly on crisis to keep them from losing their life in light of the fact that numerous demise are preventable.

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