club100. Yes I love❤ her.🌷🌷🌷

in Steem Cameroon2 years ago


I met this girl. She is very caring, and looks very beautiful. But I can not post her because she does not dress well!.


I love Her🌷 and i have tried making her improve and the good thing is she is responding but i can't still post her yet😎😎


You can't just post a dirty car just because you are proud of having a car. But you know what? I can't

Why do you have to hire the services of a professional Camera man on our wedding day? Maybe to have the best photos. It is clear we all love nice things.


Your Boyfriend is using an Itel phone. You love him but the truth is those you post are those who have samsung galaxies and iphones just because of Camera quality. The day he will get a new and good phone you might probably use him as your dp and start putting up statuses like " Only cheats don't post their patners.
Really dear??


in the mist of all these excusses, Do you know there are some couples out there who have been dating 25 years ago and are married who have never posted each other and they are doing just ok?
Are you aware that there are thousands of couples posting toxic relationships?


The point is i can be ashamed of the people i love today because of one reason or the other and I'm woking on it to fix it. Some fear that they are dating players and are taking their time to be sure


So the Question of why are you not posting your patber should come from a patner and not random people.

You di really question people their love lives as who dear?



Im glad for you!

 2 years ago 

Thnk you😊😊

 2 years ago 

Thanks for the update, I'm just puzzled about the 25 years dating, how does it work

 2 years ago 

being married is just like dating na chief

Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

 2 years ago 

Hahahaha I agree with everything except that fact that people date for 25 years 😂😂
Why will you guys do that

 2 years ago (edited)

😂😂😂 no cry nor

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