in Steem Cameroon2 years ago


Hello steem world, accept evening greetings from this end. Hope we are all doing well, if so we thank God, if not I will pray for you. Welcome to this episode of my diary game in which I will be sharing with you how my day was. Without wasting your time, let's ride on!


I woke up as early as 3am to work on the internet. Between that 3 and 6am, I downloaded so many videos and documentaries that I can watch on my free time since I don't really like watching movies. At 6am, I woke my brother up to prepare for school. While he was cleaning the plates, I warmed the remaining food for yesterday so that he can eat before going to school. I then felt like I should take coffee so I bought some Nescafe and too it as my breakfast.

When he finally left for school, I transferred the stuffs I had downloaded from my phone to my laptop and the started going through them. In those videos, I learned so many things about Play-to-earn games and how the gaming world is fast changing and if you are a lover of games reading this post, I will advise you go for P2E games so that you make money while enjoying your passion.
After that, I decided to explore MEXC exchange. This is one of the best crypto exchanges that offer a good interface and information for one to profit in bull and bear markets. I attempted to transfer some Tron from my tronlink app to the exchange and place a trade but the equity was too small. At this time, it was already midday without me going outside of my house.



At midday, I was tired of being on phone so I decided to play some games and relax my brain. I started by playing some games on my phone but my battery was below 50% and I did not trust eneo. I switched to football game in my laptop and played till 4pm when I had to go to the field.
It was a very good game and I played just half of the game and gave way for another person to play. I got home and freshen up immediately.



In the evening, a friend invited me s to 3 corners Bambili for a chill out but I was so tired and yet I decided to honor the invitation. When I got there, we asked me whether we should go for a drink or for some fish/pork... I did not want to drink beer so I chosed fish. We enter one place and ordered fish for all of us.


While eating, we had a very good discussion and other customers joined the chat especially because we were talking about politics and poor development. At 8pm, we separated and I went back home. When I got home, I decided to type my diary game of the day and sleep early so that I can wake up by 2am to work online.


As you have read, that's how my day was.
Hope you enjoyed as you read
Follow up for more interesting write-ups
Cheers ☺️☺️

 2 years ago 

Thanks for sharing... and woow, av never heared of MEXC be4... indeed we kearn every day

 2 years ago 

Just that fish that is where the problem is. It is more than appetizing

 2 years ago 

Waow I didn't know one can actually earn money while playing a game...the world is fast changing and anyone who doesn't follow the trend will be left behind

 2 years ago 


 2 years ago 

Even you, you're strong ehhh. From morning to evening still in the house. Okay nar

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