in Steem Cameroon2 years ago (edited)

Greetings dear steemians, trust we are all doing great.
Today I will like to share with us some little tips on how to handle our selve when we get angry.


First of all, i will like to start by defining anger. Anger is a very strongly feeling of displeasure, caused by something or someone that went wrong. it is very normal for someone to get angry, just like any other feeling, God created us with the feeling of anger, in a nutshell, angel is not something bad, but only becomes bad when we let the feelings to control us.
Quickly i will share with us how to react when we get angry.
. Move Away from the scene
Moving away from the person, the thing that made or makes you angry helps you to distract yourself and by so doing you forget about the situation.
. Do not act when you are angry
Most often, the actions we take, the things we say, the decisions we make when ever we are angry, we end up regretting them simply because we allow our anger to override our ability to think and so we make foolish choices.
. Be patient
When you are angry be patient enough to know the cause of that thing that made you angry, it may be that you might just be flaming up and rising alam when there is no need for that. Imagine a situation where you you start reacting to an issue, only to realize that the issue was not real, it's shameful right, so spare your self from that and be patient.
. Do not keep grudges
If someone hurts you, let that person know that he or she has hurt you, speak it out and let go of your bitterness, because once you start to keep grudges, your heart start being poisoned, and this may affect your own health.
. Be mindful of Karma
If you enjoy making others angry, then don't expect to be treated better, treat people rightly and you will also be treated rightly.
In all, humans have different ways of reacting to different situations, so one of the obove may work for you are the other may not, so feel free to try all and learn which one works best for you.
Thank you for reading
Image source: Google

 2 years ago 

Thanks for sharing

 2 years ago 

Thanks for this Insight anger is really a bad but God created it so that will enable us take a decision either negative or positively **greetings out of the scene is the best thing to do to handle such madness

 2 years ago 

Wonderful write up thanks for sharing

 2 years ago 

Thanks for the anger management tips. They are very helpful

 2 years ago 

I love this write up! So inspiring and helpful, especially in a world where anger is the new trend. But i have a worry! Your work is amazing but i see you haven't done all your achievement tasks especially the 3 and 4. It'll help you alot. Please do them

 2 years ago 

This will really help

 2 years ago 

Perfect write up thanks alot for shearing

 2 years ago 

Nice teaching

 2 years ago 

It’s not always easy to control anger but it’s the worst part of a human being because a many times we only regret after the action have been done

 2 years ago 

Managing anger is one of the things that if you can master then you can be very peaceful in your life. It's one of the most difficult virtues to build. Thank you for sharing.

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