Steem Cameroon Best Day Contest - 14/07/2021

in Steem Cameroon3 years ago

Hello steemit. It's such a wonderful honor to be part of this amazing platform and beautiful community. I'll like to start by thanking the administration of steem Cameroon for the wonderful work they are doing.

My best day was actually on the 6th of this month. I was living in Bambili that week because I was wrtinh my exams. I went to my own room I have with my elder bro. But he had friends around who were already done with exams so they were having fun with video games. I had to move to my friend's house up quarter. So on this Tuesday, I wokeup in the morning around 3am and revised the two courses I was writing that day which were, THERMAL WASTE TREATMENT and ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY. So at about 6am, I had to cleanup the dishes and the house because it was my day. So I started off with the dishes then cleaned the floor. When I was done, I went and took water from the drums stored outside. The water was more than cold. I mean real cold. I just had to do my usual workout then bath. So I did my workout then took my sponge, bathing soap, towel and underwear to the bath. I first of all went to the toilet to 'offload' because I don't dare leave the house without defecating. So after defecating, I took about 30 mins to bath then went and dressed up. While dressing up, I was heating the food while waiting for my friend @kingbow to take his bath. When he took his bath, he came back while I was eating and he was dressing up. When he was done, he ate and I made up the bed and we both left for school. We arrived almost late, but I still managed to take my selfie for memories


So after taking my selfie, I put my phone in my pocket. then had my answer sheet and then question paper. The first course was THERMAL WASTE TREATMENT. I filled my information on the answer sheet. When the question paper was shared, few minutes after we were asked to start. I flipped the paper. Behold, the exam was not difficult. I had revised most of the stuffs on the paper. So I first of all wrote those that knew very well before writing the ones I was ambiguous about.

Little did I know that the phone I kept in my pocket will implicate me. So a school guard was passing around and he saw my phone shaped in my pocket so he whispered into my ears "can I have your phone?" So I removed it and gave him. When was done writing that paper, I went outside and looked for him, thank God I saw him. When I saw him, he told me that the phone was with the chief examiners. So I went and asked and they told me it wasn't with them. So I came back to him and he told me he lied it was with them to see my reaction. So he started explaining that if he gives the phone to them and I'll be sanctioned. So I tried begging but no way. He started explaining that if I want to redeem the phone, I have to give him like 5 guiness 😂. The funniest thing is staying in Bambili the whole week, I had just 500frs in my momo. It was even to activate my data. I told him but to him it was hilarious. I begged him again and told him the other course had begun. He said I should go and write and come back that he's going no where. So I went and wrote the second course which was ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY. So I had my answer sheet and filled right away and flipped my question paper. I only knew a few questions. The course on its own is actually very difficult, and the lecturer really doesn't lecture well. So I answered those I could answer, then the rest, I manage to write. I was supposed to be finishing my exam with great joy but it almost turned out a very bad day. So when I was done, I went and met that guard and discussed with him. My friends too came to support, we cracked jokes and begged him. He finally accepted that I should send him the 500frs so I did send it. Then I had the phone and left for home with my friends.

This my friend, kingbow is always talking. He talks in all his pictures 😂. So we left for home, we were walking and discussing freely. I finally had great joy because I FINISHED MY EXAMS. There's this saying my boss always says "It's very difficult to be a happy man"... Lol...actually it's really difficult. When I was done with my exams, I thought I will be free for a while but you know, some things keep holding your mind back, they make you feel quite uncomfortable. Next year is my final year and I still have unwritten receipts, courses not corrected and a lot of other problems. Added to that, I still have unfinished hustles. But as a man, I have to bear the shock. After all the thoughts, I wouldn't kill myself, so my friend and I contacted a friend because we were really famished. So he told us he had Irish and egg. I was watching films so I hurridly closed the laptop then we went to his house. When we reached there, he wasn't home. So we called and he said he was coming. So while we were waiting, I was hearing my classmate's voice from her room upstairs so I just texted her Imidiately the sentence I heard. She did not understand so I told her I was hearing her laugh downstairs. She came out through her front door and laughed. We were just discussing and playing so I decided to annoy her a little with this picture


Annoyance is one of my talents😌.do my friend finally came after keeping us for long. So he stamped his feet ready to enter his room. He reached out his pocket to get his key but couldn't find it. He looked over and over but didn't find it. So he remembered that he left his friend behind who was walking with some girls. He ran back to look for him but couldn't find him. So he tried calling but his phone went off. There was no electricity too, he did not have the number in his SIM not offhand. So he tarried for a little then power came. He got his phone warmed up. Kingbow said it like a joke that he will call that friend and he will say he's in town. So he called and the guy said he was in town already and forgot the key was in his pocket. So we were all stranded and confused. We thank God it's a plank door. So he went and tried a different key to no avail. So I gave him my nail cutter and behold, the door opened. We entered and he gave us bananas to eat. We finished it all. He said he has Irish and eggs. In our minds, he was taking about fried one. Oh lawdd.. it wasn't fried. The funniest thing is, he had just and egg😂. So we all confused, he didn't have cooking gas, so we thought of frying it and the neighbor's. But I suggested that we rather go up to kingbow's and do I there. So we packed the stuffs and was going up. When going up, it was already dark, and we met a female friend of ours. Just discussed for a little then she begged us to go see her off so she could pass a scary place. We just cried because we had a series of delays throughout the day. But we had no chlice than to go and see her off. So we went and she passed the place then we turned back. When we were going home, we saw hot puff puff and I decided to buy, while the other person was buying eggs and spices. So we left. When we arrived Kingbow's house, we peeled the Irish potatoes and made spices for the egg. While we were doing that, we were watching Tom and Jerry, 2021. That movie is just so sweet. So after a long time, dinner was ready 😋

We ate and watched the movie together. The after, we had to go see our friend off. So we left and closed the door. While we were going, we met someone we all know at 'Miyanui', a famous Bar in Bambili. He was outside eating soya. So he gave us money for ours. So we bought and ate well. While we were buying, some boys were quarrelling outside. There's no doubt that it was under the influence of alcohol. One guy followed another who was wise enough to run for his life cuz he might have accidentally lost it as there were spare bottles all over. So Kingbow and I them left and went home. We watched a sweet movie called 'Madeah's Big Family Funeral' while browsing. We slept and about 1am. That's how the day went people.
Thanks for reading

 3 years ago 

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