Steem Cameroon Best Day Contest: 06/08/2021

in Steem Cameroon3 years ago

Hello esteemed people of steem Cameroon. I'm honored to be part of such a wonderful community, steem Cameroon. I want to immensely thank the representatives of steem Cameroon for the wonderful work they are doing in making this community a better one in the days ahead.

My best day was actually on the 29th of July, 2021. On this day, I was wokeup from bed by my brother, sirkeyz101. He woke me up at about 6am and my response was 'eske that moto dirty'. I answered like that because I knew we were to wash the car as we usually do, but then he responded by saying that we had to carry sound to Nkwen Baptist church for a program we had the following day, Sunday. So I entered the restroom, eased myself and brushed my teeth, then went to rye warehouse. I looked at what we call the 'FISH TECHNIQUE'. This is just written sound equipment requirements for a particular program. So I read it and began taking out the necessary stuffs. So we parked what we had to park then I went and joined my boss loading the car. We carried what we could carry because our truck was not around. So we had a changed of cloths and went out with our boss. When wer arrived the church, we reluctantly offloaded the vehicle because the truck wasn't around. So we parked the equipments into the church. Then I was setting up the stage where the instruments were. I connected the instruments to their various DIs and connected them to the snake. Then boss was setting up the power arms and console. A console is just what we call in lay man laungauge a 'mixer'. The one we have is called a 'Presonus studio live 32'
This is pretty expensive. It's advantageous in the fact that, you can easily save your mix so you don't stress when next you connect your instrument, it has 32 channels, and a lot of other functionalities. It's pretty expensive though. This is the lone one in Bamenda at the moment. So when we finished setting up, we were about to go. We were supposed to have practice with the youths of the church since it was their program but they weren't there on time so we wanted to leave, but their leader begged us to tarry for a while. We waited for about 15 mins then almost everyone was around. So my boss started with breathing exercises. After the exercises, he did some other exercises with the keyboard. Then they started singing some songs then I played the drum for them. So we practiced for about an hour and then we left. We passed through Ngeng junction, cow street, mobile and to Ghana street, only looking for what to eat. We finally saw somewhere they sell fufu so we went and ate there. When we were done eating, boss gave us money to hire a car to come back home and bring the other stuffs. We trekked from Ghana street to mobile but couldn't find any free vehicle. Then Sirkeys called one of his taxi drivers and he said we should come meet him at New road, so we rushed there and met him. We came home. He carried one double low and one robo generator. He went back with Sirkeys and I stayed there waiting for him to come next round so I go with him. While I was waiting, I was playing with the kid.


Then I went and eased myself and ate. After some time, I remembered there are some stuffs we forgot, so I went to the warehouse and took them and kept them outside ready for the driver to come.
Then the kid came and gave me some nice biquits to eat.


After about 30mins, the driver came then we loaded the car and left. When we arrived the church, we offloaded the car and took the stuffs inside the church. Later in the evening, we left for home.
The program we connected sound for was a youth program in Nkwen Baptist church. My boss, Rolly Sax was invited to minister so I was part of the team. In the team, there was : @darrellbass, @sirkeys101, @ernestsolo and @nelodrums.


Darrell Bass and Ernest Solo

So while on our way home, we stopped at a certain petrol station at mile 3 and entered their boutique. We bought some chicken and some drinks then came back home. When i entered the house, I had my bath then came and took my phone and was browsing.
So what made that day my best day was:
-Doing what I love, the next day actually
-You know setting sound means some earnings 😉. Honestly, when you have a skill, you get paid for what you love doing. Pursue skills my people. Atleast don't focus on book work only.
I had a devotional from my dad which I'll like to share here. He always shares devotionals on WhatsApp with powerful interpretations.

29th July 2021 Bible Studies With Elder Kimbi Solomon

Text: 1Peter 1:14-16
Topic: Do Not Conform To Evil Desires

14 "As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. 25 But just as He who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: be holy, because I am holy" 1Peter 1:14-16.

Peter was writing, and is still writing this exhortation (advice) to God's elect scattered throughout the world; who have been chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit. These elect or brethren in the Lord, have a new birth, that has given them a living hope. These elects have an assurance because they are shielded by God's power till the end of the world.

Obedient children of God, you will suffer grief from all kinds of trials, but do not consider it strange for the devil prowls around like a roaring lion seeking for obedient children to devour (1Peter 1:5). The trials are to prove your genuine faith in Christ. Trials are like refining fire that comes to refine your faith in Christ.

So, as an obedient child you are supposed to be self-controlled. Self-control requires a lot of godly comportment in all situations. When we lived in ignorance, we had no self-control. Now that we are children of God, we are under the shadow of the Almighty (Psalm 91:1), we are in His favour and His grace; we are in the palm of His hand, and no one can snatch us from His hand. God assures thus: "I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand" John 10:28.

In order to be self-controlled, Jesus must always be at the center of your life. You can achieve this through ceaseless prayers and ceaseless Bible Studies. It is only you who can snatch yourself out of God's hand through disobedience; and when you do that, He allows you to go. You are in the hand of God just as the lost son (the prodigal son) was living with his father. When he asked his father to give him his own share of the estate, his father did not refuse. When his father gave him, he set off for a distant country and there he squandered everything in wild living and became wretched. When he came back to his father to be forgiven and be received back as a servant, the father forgave him and received him back as his son, (Luke 15:11-32).

The Word of God is admonishing us, that now that we have become obedient children to His Word, we should not go back to the evil desires we had when we were living in sin, because we are dead to sin and its evil desires, and are now living a self-disciplined life in Christ. When the lost son came back to his father, he never left the father again because the life he lived far away from his father was useless. If he had died in that wretched situation, he would had had the burial of a donkey. When you die without Christ, you go straight to hell fire.

As a child of God, you now see clearly, a great difference between the life you now live, and the life you lived in sin - a life of ignorance, pleasuring yourself in sin and calling it enjoyment. When you are drinking alcohol, you call it enjoyment, and when you get drunk and begin to behave indecently in public, do you still call it enjoyment? When you are having a pleasurable moment with somebody's wife or with somebody's husband, or with a girlfriend or boyfriend; and you are caught and exposed to public ridicule and disgrace, or you acquire HIV/AIDS or any other sexually transmissible disease, do you still call it pleasure? Those are some of the consequences of sin, serving as a deterence here on earth and as a warning of an everlasting punishment in hell fire.

A life in sin is a wretched life. The text is advising us, who are in Christ, not to conform to evil desires (going back to sin) we had when we lived in ignorance. The devil is doing everything to make us lose our self-control and conform. He is bringing grief in all kinds of trials to cause us to conform. He attacks our business, finance, health, reputation, position; sends his agents to ruin our personality with lies etc. He attacks our spiritual life by reducing the number of times we pray and time we spend in Bible studies - at the time you want to pray or go for Bible studies, he props up, in your mind, or through somebody, some businesses opportunity that will cause you to postpone the prayer or Bible studies.

In order not to yield to the schemes of the devil and conform to our past, we should be self-controlled. There are certain things that trample on our self-control, for example, alcohol, anger, lust, poverty and Android phone. When you take in alcohol, no matter the quantity, your mind is tampered with, because it goes directly into your brain, ((Prov 20:1, Prov 23:32).

Anger is just one letter, "d" away from danger. When you are angry, danger looms around you as the devil suggests to your mind terrible things to do. If you yield to the suggestions, you are conforming to what you use to do when you were in the world. When you are angry, remember these verses, "In your anger do not sin. Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold" Eph 4:26-27. If you don't conform to these verses, Jesus says, "I tell you that anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgement" Matt 5:22. Why? Because anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires (James 1:20).

The devil has designed sexy dresses for some of his agents, the prostitutes, to cause men to lust after them. Make a covenant with your eyes not to look lustfully at a girl (Job 31:1). When you discipline yourself in this way, you won't conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. Android phone and Bible studies can't go together. Do not allow the browsing of your Android phone interfere with your Bible studies and your prayer time.

Be holy in all you do, in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity: In speech, "a word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver" Prov 25:11 kjv. As you live, "....make every effort to be found spotless, blameless and at peace with Him" 2Peter 3:14. In love, "....Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and love your neighbor as yourself" Luke 10:27. In faith, have great faith so that your request should always be granted, (Matt 15:28). When unbelievers see the purity in you, they may be won over without a word, (1Peter 3:1-2). To have this purity you must avoid worldliness (1Peter 3:3-5).

To those believers who have conformed to the evil desires they had when they lived in ignorance, I urge you to come back to God, who is your inheritance. When the lost son came back to his father, he was forgiven and his inheritance was restored. Be holy for the Lord your God is holy.
I hope that blessed you. Thanks for reading...
PEACE 🕊️✌️

 3 years ago 

Your day was wonderful but I want to thank you for the devotional. It is quite insightful. I hope the message goes far and wide.
May our faith in Christ continue to be refined with each new day.

 3 years ago 

Thankiu 😊

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