Steem Cameroon Best Day Contest - 03/23/2021

in Steem Cameroon3 years ago

“Today is going to be the best day ever!”

Those are the first words out of my mouth every morning.

I’ve said them waking up from a great night’s sleep, when I had plans I was really looking forward to. I’ve also said them when I slept terribly and was anxious about something, or had a task coming up I flat didn’t want to do.

Nine short and simple words, but they profoundly change how I approach each day, helping recalibrate my mindset throughout the day.

Of course, simply saying it isn’t enough. Turning them from a promise to myself into reality every day, no matter what life throws at me, takes a system. A system I’m happy to share.

My best day of last week was when my elder brother travelled to Kenya for a business meeting. I was more than happy for him because he's paving the way for his sinlings to follow. He personally asked me to become his business partner and I did not hesitate to accept his proposal. God's grace is more than enough. He should have remained there for a longer time but lucky enough, movement from one town to another was halted, not from one country to another.
On that same day too was my kid sister's birthday, so I actually gave a little birthday present and I was very happy about that.

Looking back, I’m amazed how wrong I was for such a long time.
I look back at my life thus far and realize the best days of my life weren’t necessarily the days something great or exciting happened – such as business or financial success. Rather, they were those days when I felt good about myself because I grew as a person; days when I grew mentally, physically, and spiritually; days when I connected with someone; days when I helped someone.

I also realize there were a lot of things I knew I should be doing. Things like exercising regularly, meditating, and reading. I found the mental fatigue caused by not doing those was way worse than any physical fatigue ever could be. Amazingly, I’ve found it’s much harder NOT to do these things than it was to actually do them.

I have goals in my life; for the person I want to be; for what I want to accomplish and give back to this world. The only way I could meet these goals was to develop a Daily Routine that would get me to my physical, emotional, and spiritual peak each day, and keep me there. That’s how I’d have the best day of my life every day.

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