Steemit Engagement Challenge S4-W1 | My view on Cyber Bullying - by @codingherald

in Steem Cameroon2 years ago

post cover design with vectr.


We live in a time when technology is the talk of the day, we live in an era where the internet is open and free for everyone to have access to as easy as possible. With just a smart phone of whatever capacity or status, the internet is accessible and this isn't a bad idea or a bad improvement in technology but as we all know any positive change in the society will always have its own negative side effects to the society as well. Today we'll look into one threat or side effects of open technology or internet to the society today starting from and individual view point to the societal view point, and the side effect we'll discuss on is well known as: CYBER BULLYING .


Cyber bullying which in other words is also known as cyber harassment, or online bullying, online harassment, has nowadays become one of the major problems and threat the societal is suffering from, starting from a personal engagement to groups, to societies , to nations and the world at large. Before we jump to learn more about cyber bullying, let's first get an understanding of what it means.

What is Cyber Bullying?

Before i get to say what i understand by cyber bullying or cyber harassments , let me first define the word bullying. What does it mean to bully someone? or what's the meaning of the word bully ?


Bullying is the activity of repeated, aggressive behavior intended to hurt another individual, physically, mentally or emotionally. source
This makes us understand that bullying is an intentional activity carried out first of all so no one ever gets to bully another by mistake. Now what is cyber bullying?

Cyber Bullying

Cyberbullying is when someone, typically a teenager, bullies or harasses others on the internet and other digital spaces, particularly on social media sites. Harmful bullying behavior can include posting rumors, threats, sexual remarks, a victims' personal information, or pejorative labels (i.e. hate speech). source
Cyber bullying can be summarized as the intentional use of media or internet to endanger, hurt, scare or frustrate others by a person or group of people.

Instances of Cyber bullying

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instances of cyber bullying

Growing up i have witness some few cases of cyber bullying many people being bullied on the internet. I'll try to list down some sample cases that i've witnessed cyber bullying and the experience is never really good.
For years now i've been part of many social media chatting platforms like facebook, instagram, whatsapp, twitter and many other chatting softwares and in these platforms i've got to witness uncountable scenarios of cyberbullying ranging from comments on peoples post, comments on peoples photos, replies on peoples comments and even to the extend of writing cyberbullying posts on others.

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instance of cyber bullying

The above scenario happened with a friend who's account got hacked in facebook and as such, the hacker had to inbox all her close friends and i was among those who were contacted and tried to bully.
The experience was really weird and scaring too getting to discover later that even the person who tried to cyberbully me wasn't even my friend even made things more complicated because getting to trust a friend online again becomes very very difficult as the fear of it being a hacker is inevitable and that makes the internet just unpleasant chatting with others.

post cover design with vectr.

My experience on Steemit

Being on Steemit i've never encountered any form of cyberbullying. The blockchain is safe and secure. So far i've not been able to notice any scenario of cyberbullying on Steemit be it with me or with anyone so my encounter and experience with steemit so far has been pleasant and loving.
Cyberbullying from all experiences and from confessions i've heard from people isn't a good practice or something to be encouraged at all. Being a witness to many cyberbullying scenarios, i've learnt that one reason why people always fall into the trap of cyberbullying or cyberbullies is first due to inferiority complex which is low self esteem. Many times we get bullied simply because we don't know our worth and also because we're afraid which still falls under low self esteem. Another lesson i learnt is that cyberbullies and usually people who feel superior to others in some aspects or standards or culture and tend to make those they call "lesser" feel inferior.
From the experiences with cyberbullying, one advice i would give to everybody is let go of low self esteem because no one will be able to bully you if you know your self worth.
The contest and topic is really really a wonderful contest and i'll be inviting
@wirngo and
Thanks for reading!.

 2 years ago 

You have defined cyber bullying in such many ways. By defining "bullying" in a new sort of words usage. After all a nice post. I am sad to know about what happened with your friend.
Steem on!

 2 years ago 

thanks for the remark

You are right, this people are out there causing problems on different social media platforms and tarnishing the images of innocent people through the act of cyber bullying. We must take caution and be very careful of things we share online. Thank you for your advice friend.

 2 years ago 

Thanks for going through the post🙏🙏

 2 years ago 

You are very right, keeping our self-esteem high does not keep us away from this type of situations, or if we live them we are strong enough to stop them at the moment without letting them advance and cause any damage.

 2 years ago 

yes true great point.
Thanks for reading.

 2 years ago 

Bullying is a devastating blow to someone's morale and esteem.. It has a way of weakening someone body, soul and spirit.. Cyberbullying is no different. And it is up to us to kit ourselves against it.

Hope your friend is okay?

 2 years ago 

i tell you bro i really pity those who after breakx up in a relationship then start sharing nude images and terrorizing people anyhow. cyberbullying is really very bad

 2 years ago 

That is one aspect I never considered as a bully.. Its a very big part of it though, am just realising that.. Cyberbullying such as that is depressing and can lead to suicidal thoughts too if not the action. Thus, we should be careful of what we do..

 2 years ago 

yes actually very important

 2 years ago 

This is to show that you have done a wonderful review about cyber bullying because it came with a lot of emotional torture and depression
It always great to see that we all stop posting our personal information on some unrenounce platform which can give room for scammer to take advantage over us
Steemit is the best social media platform and there is not that any one can do to take advantage of our personal information in steemit
I hope we enjoy our stay while we used this steemit platform

 2 years ago 

Really steemit is exceptional in all ways. You don't get to see people posting nonsense or saying rubbish. At least everyone here has a sense of direction.
Thanks for the review sir

 2 years ago 

You are highly welcome as you rightly said steemit deal only with responsible people hope we enjoy our safe while steeming

 2 years ago 

We must know how to act in a situation like that, have our self-esteem high and not be silent. We should not be publishing our personal life on the networks either, today they take photos to make photomontages and blackmail.

Good luck in the contest.

 2 years ago 

thanks a lot.

 2 years ago 

The internet is a really good change made so that people will get int ouch with each other more often and even create new things, and share their ideas. I believe those who use the internet to bully others are less creative and can only result to such activities to make money from stealing and extortion.
Your post was well presented I wish you luck in the challenge.

 2 years ago 

thanks a lot🙏

 2 years ago 

Wow, I'm really inspired with your writeup. Cyberbullying is not a good practice and i pray we all notice this and stop it. Thank you for inviting me to join in the contest.

 2 years ago 

🙏🙏 though the contest is over

 2 years ago 


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