#club100 // The Diary Game 3 : BetterLife with Steem (27/08/2022)

in Steem Cameroon2 years ago

Hello esteem friends and family on the steemit blockchain, warm greetings from Bamenda, the North West regional Capital city. It’s a calm morning here in my town and I can hear the sounds of birds and from night clubs around, indicating it’s dawn.

Today, I will be sharing with everyone on this blockchain my daily activities of 27/08/2022. I wake up from bed at about 5:00am, while laying down on bed, I login to my steemit account to write my diary game of the previous day. Remember I did mentioned in one of my diary that I spend the night with my mother in law and kids. After posting my diary, I went to my mother in-law’s room to inform her I’m going home. We had agreed in the night that I should leave the kids with her.

I quickly arranged my bag and went to the roadside took a cab to my house. While on the way, I called my husband and pleaded he should heat me water to bath. I had some office work to do and equally prepare my application for community curator for September.

I took my bath and dressed up while my husband was waiting on me. I had to use his office today to do my office work. We both left the house at about 10:00am. I removed my laptop and set on the table ready to work. I decided to take a selfie of myself.

I was set and ready to work though the weather was cold.

I started with my office work at about 10:30am, and it did not take me long to complete it. After completion, I started preparing my application for community curator. Along the way, I was feeling hungry and I called a restaurant around to order for food. Unfortunately, the woman was not around. One of my husband’s friend/client came in with mambo’s and I took two and ate.

After eating the mambos, my stomach was still grumbling lol, I needed something heavy to eat

By 3:00pm, my husband went and bought pork meat with plantains for us to eat. I quickly washed my hands and started eating without wasting any time. When I was done eating, I took a cup of water and my stomach for satisfied at the moment. I could concentrate and work without thinking otherwise🤓😄.

Pork and plantains for lunch

Later on, I had to round off with what I was doing for the day and by 5:00pm, we both left the office to the house. On our way home I had to stop at a shop I bought my daughter’s school bag and kept. The store man had parked everything and was about to lock. Immediately he saw me, he took the bag and gave me. I needed to pick some others stuffs for my daughter but he had locked. We agreed I should come the next day.

My daughter’s school bag I bought

When we arrived home, I had to remove left over food from the fridge and heated. It was coki corn, I love this because it is made of fresh corn. When it was ready, I put it in a plate and ate together with my husband.

My dinner, eating together with my husband

After eating, my husband peeled pineapple for us to eat while watching the soccer game (bundesliga). I was supporting Bayern but I could not watch the match till the end.

Peeled pineapple I ate after eating dinner

By 9:00pm, I decided to laid down on the sofa since I was feeling backache. My husband was working on his laptop. I asked him to wake me up in case he is going to bed. That is how my daily activities ended on this particular day.


A day full of many activities. It's good that she was able to finish it and that her husband brought her lunch.

I loved the backpack for your daughter. It's very pretty and I love that color because it doesn't get so dirty. I loved reading it.
Happy Sunday. 🙏🌸

 2 years ago 

It was indeed a busy day and i was happy at the end of the day because my tasks were accomplished. Thank you dear friend for the comment.

 2 years ago 

You have a lovely husband you do everything with 🥰 u had a good day with lots of goodies

 2 years ago 

Thank you for the compliment.

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