Steem Cameroon Best day Contest - 31st October, 2023

in Steem Cameroon8 months ago (edited)

designed using canva

Dear Diary,

Dated: 28th October, 2023

It was a sunny Saturday and a Sanitation Saturday at that. A Sanitation exercise is usually conducted every last Saturday of the month and I hate such Saturdays with passion because I'll have to work tirelessly in cleaning the compound alone. I had a traditional marriage to attend as well of which went well. I have lots of experiences to share

Morning Routine

It was a gloomy Saturday morning, my mum took to going for workout with her friend. I was on bed till 7Am as I felt weak but kind of excited that it was weekend and not school days. I took to going through an academic material before considering the scriptures with my family. The scriptures we considered were upbuilding no doubt and centered on being **holy in everything just as our creator is holy be it our conducts, our choice of entertainment and* dressing.*

_After considering these scriptures, we took to going out to work in the farm and in the compound. In the farm, we were trying to harvest our local yam [Water yam]. The stake that took it to the ground dried and withered showing the yam is strong and big. Using a shovel, I dug the water yam out by first tilling the sides of the spotted place into a hole form and then dug it gently so as not to spoil the body of the water yam with the shovel. It was a bountiful harvest as the water yam really entered that space. Just see how many tubers came out from that small hole._


This water yam is a special kind of local yam which is enjoyed by many and is sweeter than the normal yam we usually eat. This yam as it's short is very sizeable and nourishing than the normal yam we usually purchase in the market. After harvesting, I took to taking those small water yams I harvested and put them back into the hole, cutting a side of it and then ensuring that side it cut is raised or faces up before covering the hole with sand.



After working in the farm, I did my house chores, washed clothes and then had my breakfast before going online to check my social medias, engage and as well teach newbies who were yearning to know more the basics. After ensuring I replied to all messages, I did preparations to attend the traditional marriage of my cousin in my village.

Afternoon Routine

In my finely dressed senator wear, I matched out to the junction of my home to board a vehicle that would convey my family and I to that place. While on our journey to that place, we faced obstacles that served as a barrier to our going there. One of such is when we waited for the driver to come and take us there. Another is the driver finally came but we got stuck along the way. Our vehicle refused to start. This is a picture of me doing a mirror effect on the side mirror of this vehicle. It was undoubtedly nice though.


On getting to the venue, it was as if we were early enough. Traditional marriage is usually held in the by 3pm at most. Fortunately for us, they stuck to the time. I took pictures of myself in the place and the decorations made in that place. It was so beautifully arranged and canopies were Based on the bride's family and groom's family.


The time came for the MC to commence the event, since it was a traditional marriage, he used our native language in making the place lively. Food and drinks were shared before the MC introduced the chairman and did the normal rites. I got a malt but refused to eat because I didn't just have appetite to.



The ceremony started in full. The groom's family was introduced first then the bride's. The groom was also introduced and was danced into the venue. These were the people that brought him in. I danced along as he was getting married to my cousin. The vibrant way he danced showed he was fully prepared and ready to claim his bride. It was funny though. The MC then made him do some tasks to show he'll be capable to claiming the woman.



The bride was introduced as well with her train ladies. She was just so beautiful that day and ready to take her husband in. She danced gracefully too according to the beats given her. I overdanced as well to show she was truly my blood. After all the that was to be done, she danced to meet her husband in his tent. I took pictures before leaving the vicinity as it was already late and night was covering the clouds.


Evening Activities

I felt so exhausted as though I was the one who planned the marriage. Funny enough. Tye vehicle took us back home but I alighted somewhere to get something for my sister which made me come home late. It was such an eventful day though. I call it the best day of that week.

I resteemed the post.

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