The diary game of 20/04/2022 by @bongk: A hectic day

in Steem Cameroon3 years ago

Hello y'all 😌, I'm grateful to be once more sharing my diary session with you all again, yeah I've been slacking and it's been long and I promise I won't go back slacking again, yesterday was very hectic, there was a lot to do with little or no time.


I woke up at 6am made some exercise, did my chores, and went on to preparing for school, unfortunately for me I missed the class because of some misunderstanding of the time but nonetheless I still went to school,because I had other things to do.
So when I got to school,my friends and I starting reviewing our presentation to be submitted on Friday for evaluation,this had me on my fits.

A sample of the school work

It took us 2 hours to type it and put it in power point form and also save some for printing.


After doing all that work, I had to visit the school farm for another work involving cultivation of crops, even, we were tasked with growing crops for evaluation.
This made me very tired, it was not easy doing all that typing, and now we had to work in this farm.
A look of the farm 😔
We had to till, plough this farm and plant the crops on straight lines and do observation of their growth for at least 3 weeks and submit the report to our Supervisor.


We finished at the farm when it was 4pm, it wasn't easy work, and I could call call it a day, it was very late so I had to hurry home and get something to eat cause I had not eating anything since morning, so I took this combination to calm me down first before getting the real deal.


This couldn't calm it down so I had to eat something else, after that I started copying notes and this made me so sleepy, and so I didn't know when I fell asleep and realized myself in the morning on the bed.
That concludes my day guys, hope you found something interesting there or more inspiring I'll leave you here to create more diary games.



 3 years ago 

my friends and I starting reviewing our presentation to be submitted on Friday for evaluation

Hope you guys are not feeding you fowls on the market day hahaha. Students are fun of that, then find themselves infront of the jury finding words to used lol. Im just kidding, actually saying you guys will that may not face such difficulties since you are doing your preparations days to the actual evaluation.

I see you later visited the farm, is that part of the evaluation? You did not even let us know if you completed your work on the farm or you had to abandoned it lol.

 3 years ago 

It's wasn't complete,😅

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