in Steem Cameroon4 months ago

Image from my phone.

Good evening beautiful community how is our evening going? Hope smooth, mine wasn't smooth but hectic. A day before yesterday was too much of work for me at school stay with me as I give you all the full gist.

I woke up that morning, prayed to my creator did my chores and left for work. I wasn't myself althrough that day because of my neighbour's death, and I didn't know my mood was noticeable by everyone at my work place as they kept asking why I was moody. I tried to shake up myself a little just to avoid further questions.

My school got a letter of invitation to a sport competition and during break, some teachers alongside with the sport master selected some groups of students to compete among themselves before the final selection.i went to feed my eyes a little on the activities so as to get my mind off certain thoughts.

Image from my phone.

They did so many activities then some of them that won that day We're selected to compete the next day which was yesterday for the final selection.

The next day which was yesterday, I woke up, committed my day to my creator's hand and prepared for work. I was to lead for devotion at school so I couldn't eat but took my food to school. After the devotion, the students departed to their respective classrooms, I had a class and a double period I went to the class straight from the devotion ground. After the class at about 10am that was when I had my breakfast.

My breakfast snapped with my phone.

After having my breakfast, I rested for sometime and it was close to break time. When the bell was rang, the sport master called the selected students out I joined him in the final training just to free myself from some worries.

Image from my phone.

Some sports like sack race, filling the bottle, race, football and long-jump took place. Engaging myself with these games gave me an inner excitement that made get myself a little. I got home after school activities took my bath, had my lunch a observed my siesta to the brim.
Unlike two days ago where sleep wasn't close to me due to the shock of kissing my good neighbour.

Thanks for going through my diary hope to read from you too have a blissful weekend.


You've got a free upvote from witness fuli.
Peace & Love!


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