The diary game 4-10-2021

in Steem Cameroon3 years ago (edited)

Hello there beautiful steemians I hope you all are doing good. I will love to share with you guys how my yesterday played.

I wokeup early in the morning at 5am, spoke to the heavenly Father and brushed my teeth as ussual. At 6:30am on dot I left for the gym. The streets on my way to the gym was empty no body was moving because it was a ghost town

A selfie of Me on my way to the gym


I arrive the gym at at 10 minutes to 7 and started working out at 7 as usual. Did 150 pullups and 150pushup to warm the body up. Later on i started squatting. I went to the gym specifically to squat but I usually warm the body everyday with 150pullups and 150pushup before starting with the routine of the day.
I did 1100 squats. I started without carrying anything and did 100, Next i did 500 squats Carring a long iron on my back. Later on, i did 300 caring weight and ended up setting down and Carring weigh using my legs, I did 300. After that i started feeling like vomiting because I am currently taking medications for typhiod so there are times that it makes me to feel like vomiting.

Sweating after working out


I left the gym at 9:11am when back home did laundry and washed my dishes. I don't like watching dishes but I had to. Later on i had rice for breakfast and took my bath.

Picture of dishes


In the afternoon I went to buy drugs for my typhiod but instead i saw someone who knows how to prepare it the traditional way and I ordered 5 litters because i was told it's what I need to get rid of typhiod once and for all.

At around 5pm I went to see a friend to collect the charger of my laptop because I forgot it there the other day. I sat with him for some time while watching a cartoon called the legend of Kerra for those who have watched the Avarta the last air bender. Some people say cartoons are for kids but I watch alot of them.

I left there at around 6:15pm while going back to my place, I meet a cite mate on the way and he offered me one beer, since i was on drugs I drank vanilla malta instead. We took the drinks together with his girl and started drifting back to the cite. On our way, we meet this cricket that makes noise at night and my cite mate knew the cricket because he told me the used to hunt it in the village and use it to eat fufu but his girlfriend was trying to kill it and i was like don't let be its harmless you know. So I was more curiouse because I know about the cricket but I have never seen it before. I ussually hear how it cries when i'm moving in the night but I have never seen one.
So I took a picture of it If the cricket knew how to use a pen I would have definitely went for his autograph. Because I have always wanted to see it


When we arrived the cite I noticed that I had misplaced some thing, I was holding 2 rapen papers one fell on the way to the cite; the charger of my laptop was inside so I went back and saw it at the spot were we saw the cricket "sahh". I took my paper and returned back to the cite

When i entered my place, i ate dinner and took my phone to go online but whatsapp was not responding so i retired to bed

Thanks for reading
Have a nice day ✌

 3 years ago 

Thanks a lot for sharing your day with us, at least I will say u had fun though it was a ghost town and talking about the gym, I think I will hit the gym one of this days, lol

 3 years ago 

Going to the gym is good you know, wealth is health

 3 years ago 

Crickets are a source of food especially to those in the Northwest region. They eat it with "fufu" lol. Thanks for sharing your day.

 3 years ago 


 3 years ago 

150 pull-ups and 150 push ups? Damn! You’re a force to be reckoned with. I need some of that energy. But it overall sounds like a good day.

 3 years ago 

Good day u had bro 😎

 3 years ago 

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