Green Deeds Vol. 07 Contest | What are you doing to fight pollution in your community?

in Steem Cameroon3 years ago

Hello good evening, trust we all doing great. let me express my gratitude to the leaders of this platform for teaming up this great contest. Indeed there was no way I could pass by this contest as an environmentalist and as a local activist as well.
As an environmentalist our motto still remains, environmental sustainability is our concern. It has been over the years the environment has been bedeviled with challenges, some include water pollution, air pollution, plastic waste and Indiscriminate disposal of waste.
Well countries in ensuring we achieved environmental sustenance has implemented a lot of policies including Reducing Carbon dioxide emission into the atmosphere.
Well can we say, these policies are enough without doing our part. Environmental sustenance is a collective effort and we must as individuals we must develop a passion for it.
Honestly speaking this contest is very educative and must be well supported by @steemcurator 01.

In other for me to learn more of some of the issues pertaining to environmental challenges, I needed to find an organization that support my goal, and my search helped me discover Ghana Youth Environmental Movement.


The Ghana Youth Environmental Movement (GYEM) is a leading youth-led environmental and renewable energy advocacy and campaign group in Ghana.

To build a movement of young people from diverse backgrounds in Ghana leading solutions to environmental challenges and the climate crisis

A sustainable environment, a climate resilient and low carbon economy, a just world.

Commitment – we are building a movement that is dedicated and courageous to campaign for environmental justice;
Innovative– we encourage and use creative ways of developing and making our message heard;
Interactive – we encourage diverse opinions in building our strength and ensure active participation of diverse groups in delivering our campaigns;
Optimistic – our movement is positive minded and believes that we can make an impact on our society and generation

Though the group is in Accra Ghana where I'm also located in Kumasi But I will go any program they will put across to educate the youth about environmental challenges and how best we can achieve environmental resilence.

the founder giving his introduction speech


In 2019, Ghana hosted the climate Chance summit where we received a whole of dignitaries all over the continent and dialogued.



President of Ghana throwing his support at the program



I strongly believe I have somebody here who shown up for this program.

Why Do I Like going for Educating Programs.
Well environment is really broad and for one to understand and embark on which particular angle to look at, we need to equip ourselves with policies countries are putting in place in addressing environmental issues.
Through the this submit, I was able to prepare this piece about Plastic and Its effects on the environment and educated most churches and schools around my vicinity. Is rather unfortunate, I can get more pictures I took, during my promotional time.The link is share here, source

Though, I have not done enough on my own to curtail some of the challenges associated with our environment but I can't also overlook my little effort I've put up.. Fighting environment challenges is everyday thing and we must keep on fighting till the future have hopes..
Once again thank for @thegreens for masterminding this contest, Trust and believe we togetherness, we can take more actions for environmental sustainability.


What a splendid event.
As I fellow EARTH-Citizen, I'm fully support your movement for our sustainable environment for years to centuries ahead.


Thank you and I really appreciate

 3 years ago 

@awuahbenjamin, you are expected to delegate OR set 25% payout to @steem-cameroon. Your next post will be muted for failure to comply with community rules.

If you have any questions or worries, please tag me and reply to this comment and tag me


Steem Cameroon team

Noted thanks

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