Steemit Engagement Challenge S8-W5 | My Parents, My Heroes

Hello Steem Cameroon Community

I am @aviral123 from India. Today I am going to take part in this challenge. The topic is My Parents, My Heroes. This Steemit Engagement Challenge - Season 8 Week 5 is organised by Steem Cameroon Community.



In your words explain what you understand by parenthood.

It is very difficult to express motherhood and fatherhood in a few words. For this, the amount written on this subject is less. The loving, trusting relationship between a child and his parents is unique. A child's whole world is his parents.

For parents, their child is their whole world. Even for a moment, parents do not want to let their child disappear from their eyes. Being a parent is a very big responsibility, there is no scope for even the slightest mistake in it.

A child is like a wet soil, which is nurtured by the parents with culture and education, art. And helps him in his personality and social development. In the school, the child goes to study, but the first school of each child is his There is a house. From where he learns his basic social things.


The first teacher of every child is his parents, who explain to him the difference between social good and evil and teach him goodness, charity, human qualities. Everyone wants to live the parenthood because this feeling is very precious.

God has made this relationship very precious. Which has no value in life. Ask those children who do not have parents, they are orphans. And ask those parents who do not have children. Their life is full of pain and struggle. It's hard to even imagine.

Tell us about your heroes.

Today I want to tell you what is the importance of my parents in my life. My parents and my relationship is very special. Today I do not have both my parents with me.

It has been 20 years since my father passed away and it has been 4 years since my mother passed away. This journey of my life was very difficult without both of them. But with his values and education, I am living my life in a very good way. The memory of both of them is my courage. And his blessings are always on me.


Photo captured by @aviral123

As I told you that it has been 20 years since my father died. I was only 15 years old when my father passed away. And I have two elder siblings and a younger brother. We four siblings were brought up by my mother. Did it alone

My heroine in my life is my mother, because she had no support. My mother was suffering from hearing loss. She had a hole in her eardrum. The only treatment for which was an operation. But we were not able to get the operation done. Because of which my mother had to face a lot of problems. Couldn't listen to anyone quickly. Due to not being able to listen, her head used to ache.
Many times people used to laugh at him because of his inability to listen and also tried to fool him. But still he brought up all four of us siblings with so many struggles.

The more we thank him for this, the less it is. He gave good education and values to all four of us brothers and sisters. And also got all four of us brothers and sisters married in time. I used to tell her everything. We have had a great time together. Which I will always remember. Me and my mother had a very unique relationship.

For example

We used to go everywhere together. Be it buying vegetables or buying some other household items from the market. I have never left my mother alone in the market so that she may have any problem because of her inability to hear.

My mother used to say.... My daughters are my ears, never leave me alone. I have become a bit emotional while talking. I am missing my mom very much 😭.


What are the major roles of parents to you?

Parents hold a special place in the life of every child. The role of parents is very important. Parents are responsible for the outer and inner personality of the children.

Parents also teach their children the virtue of saving that how they have to save their money for the future.

At what time, what the child has to eat, what are his wishes, this is an important role of the parents. Parents spend their whole life in teaching and writing to their children. How the child is behaving. Parents keep a close eye on him. Parents have to keep an eye on everything so that their child does not go on the wrong path, he should not be friends with the wrong people.

Every parent makes their child participate in different types of competitions, so that their child never faces any problem in future. And his life was very easy and lived happily.


Photo captured by @aviral123

Do you see Parenthood as a Scam?

It's not. It depends on the mutual trust of parents and children. There should be a healthy relationship between parents and their children. Only then their trust remains strong. If the child breaks the trust of his parents, the parents get hurt a lot. And they get frustrated.

Parenthood is an act of great responsibility. Parents spend their whole life in fulfilling this responsibility. Parenthood is a pleasant experience, although every child gets living conditions and environment according to the pocket of their parents. Children should also understand the circumstances of their parentage. And instead of complaining to them, they should be thanked. And one should walk with them step by step.

The children who do this, always remain dear to their parents and are also looked upon favorably in the society. And the kids who are always pointing fingers at the circumstances of their parentage.

Fatherhood is a topic that is less talked about. This is my own point of view.

25% to @null


I want to invite my friends to take part in this contest: @yourloveguru , @aaru , @abdullahw2.



Thanks 🙏


@aviral123 greetings

You are absolutely right in few words even in world's all word we can not define and explained the mother and father love and care.

Its so infinite might be in words we can not write on it. With any expectations and rewarding they do for their children in their whole life.
Their own personality gone some where they just do everything for us.

You have written very beautifully about the topic.

Best wishes

Thank you my dear friend for reading ana commenting my article.I am very glad that you agree with my views. And you have appreciated my views.

 last year 

En la escuela, el niño va a estudiar, pero la primera escuela de cada niño es la suya. Hay una casa. De donde aprende sus cosas sociales básicas.

Hola @aviral123, creo que los padres tenemos una funcion basica en la educacion de nuestros hijos, preparandolos para que puedan actuar de manera independiente y superar cualquier obstaculo que pueda presentarse en la vida que apenas estan empezando.
Saludos y muchos exitos.


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