Steemit Engagement Challenge - Season 8 (Week 5) || My Parents, My Heroes.

in Steem Cameroonlast year

Assalamualaikum I hope you are all well Alhamdulillah I am very well I am present among you. Steam Cameron's My Parents My Hero Contest has been organized to participate in the contest



In your words explain what you understand by parenthood

Parents are everything because they give birth to us and gradually they raise us. Mother keeps us in her womb for ten months. Every time she struggles to show us the light of the world. From the time we are born until we learn to walk. We had it without eating. In a short time we have grown up to some distance and since then it has started to suffer a lot for us



Tell us about your heroes (Parents)(for example what you usually do together, their importance to you)

PARENTS MY HERO When I started walking I told my parents to do just that for us. When it took me where I wanted to go. Every time my parents feed me what I want, I am surrounded by words of love. My parents taught me to play dust when I was young. And when I got older, I would go wherever my parents would travel. Taking care of ourselves eating together and parents took good care of us when we went shopping for clothes together parents would buy us good clothes like good clothes I spent time together with parents



What are the major roles of parents to you?

We have no one in this world as our parents because they gave birth to us in this world and they can do everything for us. We grew up having their love from that small time every second they worked hard and worked hard for us and shared every meal together we have a lot of inspiration for parents when we grow up we should never let our father do any work. From that childhood I have seen that parents have done a lot for us but now it is time for us to work hard. I will earn something through my hard work and I will take care of my parents with that income. We have roles for them
Parents brought us to the right path by educating us, fulfilling all our needs, fulfilling the needs that we never suffered, doing all the hard work for us to fulfill our physical needs.



Do you see Parenthood as a Scam?

I have never seen parents as scams they have always guided us in the right direction parents have created a beautiful environment for us and brought us up with love. Made a lot of money for us ideal and honest people

I invite my friends to participate in the contest @Rasel72 @robiul39 @siam7

Please forgive me if there are any mistakes in this post. Later I will try to make my post better.


You parents indeed tool good care of you training you how to walk and also providing food for you. They took you shopping when you needed clothes too. That's a great one coming from them. Indeed parents has guided us in the right path and showered is with love. Success in the challenge my dear friend. #steem-on


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