in Steem Africa4 years ago

My post today is to the steemit newbies, I want to give them some needed advices that will help them in their journey on steemit. The following are to be taken seriously for they will surely help:-

Start building relationships early.

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Steemit is a relationship driven platform. It gets pretty lonely if you just show up to post and then call it a day.

You can start building relationships by not only producing/sharing valuable content, but by also engaging with the community!

Leave comments on posts that moved you! Add to the discussion, share your two cents!

Don't leave a comment just for the sake of leaving comments, instead try to contribute a new thought or idea.

I normally try to leave at least 10 meaningful comments each day. Since I've started doing this not only have I made a lot of cool friendships, I've always seen the engagement on my own work skyrocket!

Drop a comment and say hi!

Dabble In Steemit Chat

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Steemit Chat is actually one of my favorite parts of the community.

It's still relatively new and can be a bit noisy at times, but there's no better place to start building relationships with users from around the world.

Take some time to spend time chatting in each of the various channels.

Start with the "general"** channel and engage there. Overtime you can pick and choose a few different channels you find interesting.

The purpose of the chat is to have actual conversations. Don't go around posting links to your post without permission.

Instead, take some time to listen to the discussions going on and jump in when you think you can provide some value.

One thing I like to do, is see who is following me on Steemit and reach out to them directly via DM.

I'll usually leave a genuine comment and just introduce myself. I've made several very strong relationships by doing this.

It goes without saying, don't be pushy or inauthentic. Which brings me to my next tip..

Don't post more than 4 times in 24 hours.

This was something I actually had no clue about when I first started.
I was later informed that you are actually penalized if you post too frequently.

Remember this a marathon not a sprint! It's tempting to want to post 10 times a day, but do your best to resist this urge!

If you're intending to be a part of the community for the long haul, you'll have plenty of time to share your content.

A good rule of thumb when starting is 1-2 posts a day if you're feeling ambitious!

Try and pick a posting schedule that works for your lifestyle and stick with it. :)
ck out some the awesome photography. Or the amazing travel stories. Learn more about the government.

Just make sure you have some time to spare, cause it's quite the rabbit hole.

Not only will reading other tags make you more knowledgeable, it might give you some great ideas for future content and posts.

You don't "suck" if you don't make money at first.

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Don't become discouraged if your first few posts don't do much. It's normal and completely expected!

It's not fun looking at your first few posts that failed to make a few cents. Believe me I know.

At the time time it's important to remember you're new here!

If you look at the posting history of the "high earners" you'll notice that it took them time to build some momentum as well.

This is not a get rich scheme. You have to keep posting consistently before you'll see lasting results.
Make Money But Have Fun

It's no secret that the appeal of potentially making good money by doing something you normally do for free is an awesome proposition, but don't overthink it!

Think of Steemit as a giant experiment. You might not ever make a "killing" on Steemit! You might not be able to retire after posting 3 posts!

But if you come here with the right intentions and add value to the community you will come out on top.

Build relationships. Expose yourself to new ideas.

Thanks for reading. @wolexy


The tips are wonderful. I can see the originality in your writing. As a newbie too, you seem to understand the concept, and it has been helping you. Keep the spirit high. I will add that newbies should know that plagiarism is a sin. Copying content from another person or site is not advised. The image link you sourced isn't responding. You need to check your markdown well.

Thank you for using Steem Africa and posting on steem. Join the ongoing contest on steem Africa, and follow @ steemitblog for more info about happenings on steem, and participate in more contest. Your post has been curated from the @steemcurator05 account. Stay inspired and keep steeming.

@wolexy actually i joined steemit last year, but since then it has not been easy for me, um, i appreciate your post and i will like you to list some chats forums where i can meet new people..

Thanks for the article

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