The Quest To Know More

in Steem Africa3 years ago

It does not matter how much you think that you have known, the truth remains that you have not yet known as much as you ought to have known. So you see, the quest to know more is progressive and continuous. You will agree with me that the more you have knowledge about a particular subject matter, the more you realize that you have known very small all these while.

Image from Pixabay

It is worthy to note that everyone can impart knowledge to you and anyone or anything can be your teacher. You may be way older and supposedly more experienced but a kid can have more knowledge than you in a particular field. For you to get that knowledge, you need to keep aside pride and approach the kid for the knowledge - not on your own terms but on the kid's own terms.

To get the most out of knowledge, you have to come with an open mind and free yourself from what you think you know. Most times, it is holding fast to the ill or half-baked knowledge of the past that has prevented future knowledge from being accessed.

Someone that does not know something and is ignorant of his own ignorance has almost gone way beyond redemption. However, when you do not know something and you realize that you do not know it, then you are already on the partway of gaining knowledge. If you will keep aside pride and take on meekness, you can learn from anyone.

It has been said that one of the enemies of gaining more knowledge is pride and this includes over-inflated ego and reputation mentality. Even if you have multiple PhDs and professorship, you still do not possess all the knowledge - so you still have a long way and you can know more.

The truth is; you can only master what you have knowledge of. Without proper knowledge, struggles and challenges will be inevitable. With the right knowledge at the right time, you will realize that the things that you wished for can be gotten by just applying principles.

Image from Pixabay

We live in an era where almost nothing gets celebrated as much as information. The amount of power embedded in information is so much. No wonder the people that have the knowledge of the solution to the problems of the world are heavily sought after. To maintain your relevance in this comparatively competitive world, you need to seek to know more.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all

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