Character As A Makeup

in Steem Africa4 years ago

There are more things in life than just beautiful or handsome face. No doubt, beauty is good, at least it makes one attracted to another, but much more than than, to retain friendship and relationship, your beauty must be complemented with a good character. Trust me, people's characters can be sensed even if their faces suggest otherwise. This is why you should not only focus on beautifying your outwards appearance only but your character too.

Image from Pixabay

Even in a relationship, a point will come when the parties involved will shift focus from the beauty that may have beclouded their sense of reasoning and focus on the real deal - the character. The outward beauty you behold in someone should be an expression of their inner beauty which is expressed in their character.

Trust me, just like the case of flowers, outward beauty will be affected by time and with the passage of time, they will wither but the inner beauty; character; will stick for a long time. If facial and bodily beauty is the only thing someone has to offer, when time begins to tell on them, they will have nothing left to offer and they will begin to lose value.

Someone may be flirting around you because of one or two striking bodily features you have but when they are ready for something really serious, you would be surprised they will look way beyond those features. If I may ask you; will you rather prefer someone with a beautiful face but with a nasty and heavily crooked character or someone with a nice character but does not have a "pinging" face? Obviously you know what the answer will be.

This is just to prove to you that the world is no longer focusing on someone bringing just beauty to the table. Asides that, what else can you offer in terms of character, attitude, personality etc? These are some of the things that make people more attractive in this highly evolved era. Any day and any time, no one will gladly pick a rude character because of beauty except it is based on flirtation.

Being rude is not cool and no one appropriates that. Some people will just be quick to say "I am being real" - but this is not the reason to be rude. You can choose to put your rudeness under subjection. Everyone has a good side and a not-so-lovely side but the side you see is the one they have shown and consolidated upon.

Image from Pixabay

There is still room to work on your attitude and character. If you find it hard to retain friends, then check it, the problem may not be from the friends but from you, so try to build your character for a better "you".

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all

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