THE DIARY GAME: 09/9/2020: Belated birthday lunch with friend.

in Steem Africa4 years ago (edited)

Today, I woke up with a positive vibe, it was a great meet up with my best friend Jolly, a friend I met as a classmate at University and we later became tight friends and right now she is the CEO Jolly lines, she makes lots of beautiful furniture and fashionable garments.

So when my birthday approached on the 15th August, she wasn't around because she had traveled to the village far a way from town. So she just came back and asked to take me on a lunch. I was alittle hesitant it being a working day but I just decided to put alittle things off to make it to her. She called me to meet her up at cafe pora in mukono town, it's a cool place .


She reached there earlier than me, so I reached like 15 mins later. We hugged and greeted with lots of excitement after so long. She was already having an ice cream, so she asked me if I could also have the same, yaa so I started off with an ice cream as she asked me to order for what I want to eat, so I placed the order, that was a pizza she also ordered for chicken and chips we we shared it all because I couldn't have the pizza all alone and the same with chicken and the chips, accompanied with a cold cocktail.



We shared alot about what has been happening in our lives, about relationships, our work and how things are moving in the field. But I was so happy to know things were moving well on her side and she gave me different strategies on how to attract market for my products. She shared on how social media has really connected her to potential clients, so shared with me lots about how she is doing that for her company.

Our order was brought and wow it was yummy, irresistible. So as we continued with our meal at 1:26pm and there it started raining, we waited for the rain to stop but it showed no signs of stopping so Jolly tried calling his fiance to pick is at around 3pm but unfortunately he was in a meeting so we had to hold on till it stopped raining so heavily.


I thanked her for my lunch, but it was already 5pm by the time it completely stopped raining so we decided to leave and parted ways, Jolly continued to her place and I also continued to my place, it was a beautiful day for me.

Am very excited that steemit gives me the opportunity to share about my daily experiences that come along with each new day.

Thanks so much to @yohan2on for introducing me to this diary game challenge.

This is me


It looks like you had a great day with a friend and a good meal.

Sure it was a very good day with my friend

It was a good one @stever82 thanks for appreciating.

Hi Jovia. That was a great favor. Indeed the food was too irresistible with the way it looks. Very yummy. You are a very blessed and highly favored lady. Thanks be to your friend for that offer she rendered to you. She indeed loves you. Hope you can also introduce steemit to her so that she can as well talk about what she does here.

#onepercent #uganda

Thanks very much yohan2on , usa it was really a great moment, I surely will let her know more about it.

There’s nothing better than having wonderful moments with our good friends, am glad to see you had fun, thanks for sharing

You are welcome thanks too for getting toe to read my post, we already should thank God for good friends

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