Battles From Inside.

in Steem Africa4 years ago


Have you ever walked towards someone, or try to joke with someone and you got at the receiving end of lash out? You see the person lash out and you can’t just understand why. Most times, we actually feel it is because of what we have done, or because of what the person has against us, which has been piled up for so long. Sometimes it is, most of the time, it is not.

Sometimes, you ask someone a particular question, or you say a particular thing, and all they heard was something different. It happens. It doesn’t have to necessarily be because of you, most of the times, the person lashed out, due to the battles going on inside.

We are all different, and we go differently about how we address issues or think about them. We can seat next to a broken person and we might not know it. Most people have things they are dealing with internally, and that is why, when dealing with people, we have to take a cautious approach.

We can also call it transferred aggression. Maybe someone got you angry, and you have no chance to let the person know how you feel, then the next person who is ignorant to how you feel, might be the one to bear the brunt of it, with full measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over hahaha. We should be tender with our hearts as well as how we deal with others. Everyone has something going on in their hearts.


You see people fold over little provocation, you see some take things a little too far. When these situations arise, don’t take it personally.

When you come across such people, know that it is not a personal attack, they lashed out due to what is going on, on their inside. That is their plea in asking for help. Do well and be a shoulder for them to lean on, so as to reduce the weight of the world upon their shoulder. Isn’t that why we are all together? To make life bearable for one another?
I love quoting one of my favourite quotes:

I’d rather live for a day and touch many lives than to live for a hundred years and not be remembered by anyone.

Be the reason someone gets better.

If you are the one who lashed out, due to the battles going on, on your inside, it would be nice to sit down and calm down. Reflect and ask for help, rather than try to navigate life or the situation on your own. Asking for help won’t reduce your worth. In fact, it is perfectly okay to ask for help, because it shows your distaste for your current status.

Admitting the need for help, is the first step to recovery.

Be gentle when dealing with your fellow humans. Be the reason why another person goes to bed, thankful for coming in contact with you.

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.


Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order


You said a lot in this content. I have experienced many people like that and I find out when I get closer further explanation of their reaction I find out that they are passing through many things and they just need someone to cuddle and talk to get relief. Most times we shouldn’t judge people by their reactions at the moment but we should find out what is behind such reaction. Cool post man.

Very true, my friend. You can seat next to a broken person and would never know. We need to be tender with one another

My brother, you have to come to Algeria and see that we are a true people, standing with the needy and the expatriate
But the Algerians are agitated, so angry, Haha
I was often put in situations like this, how are you?

Totally understandable because there are a lot of things going through your mind that time. It doesn't mean you are a bad person but simply means you should be respected regardless.

I would love to visit Algeria one of these days.

Thanks, my friend.

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