in Steem Africa4 years ago

I really love today. Let me take you around it.

Hi, dear diary

I woke up today with a muscle pull. I managed to leap to the sitting room, where I met my wife who woke up earlier than me to put food on fire. The food was on fire, while she was just relaxing on the chair to wait. Funny enough, she thought it was just one of my hilarious pretence, so she just smiled. When I told her it’s muscle pull, she opted to help. The rest is confidential.

me helping @thompsonenang with mark down

For breakfast, we took vegetable soup and I took beans and stew with chicken to work for lunch.

At the office

Friday is always our progress meeting. We all attended and the meeting took about two hours from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. and it was a great time to gather again. Please don’t ask what we discussed, it’s confidential.

at the office before meeting

After the meeting

I met with @stephen96 and @thompsonenang to know how far they are making progress in staying active on steem today. @stephen96 was confused about using tags, in his yesterday’s post he did not include any tag, imagine such a post. I told him the post is only for him to see and invisible to others. So, he asked me to show him again where to include the tags, which I did. He’s working on today’s post and will edit the one of yesterday.
For @thompsonenang, he had issues with login to steem on his phone. The mistake he made was using his master password instead of using his posting keys. I had to show him how to get his posting keys from his wallet under keys and permissions and he was happy to login with his phone. Another assistance he needed was knowing how to use mark down features on steem. In less than 10 minutes I was able to show him. I showed him how to bold, italics, increase fond size and placing his cursor where he wants his picture to appear while uploading. I was happy I could guide him. @stephen96 took a snap of us during the process.

Online, @senicbliss asked about #theshoppinggame. I sent her link to the latest post by @steemitblog to read for update, check the rules of the shopping game there and follow the official steem account for more update. I did everything in @teamg-nigeria group on whatsapp to ensure other members get the information. I also posted the master password and posting keys of @teamg-nigeria as our group description to ensure that five of us in the team have full access to the account. That way, we will work together and grow steem in our locality. Yesterday, @thompsonenang designed a beautiful logo for our team. We are currently working on introduction post for the team’s account and this evening we will do a preview and post our first article, using the official account for the team (@teamg-nigeria). Watch out for us soon.

at the balcony before going to work

Then lunch time

I took my lunch by 2:15 p.m. and it was really nice. The secretary and my boss said I’m growing fat because of the food my wife is packing for me. I countered them, telling them I don’t want to be fat. I’m seriously waiting for dry season so I can start going for jogging, as a way of burning the fat.

my lunch on office table

From my pictures, do you think I’m fat?

Thank you for reading and have a beautiful time on steem.


in his yesterday’s post he did not include any tag

This is a common mistake done by every one new to steemit. Even I also did it first days. But by the time I learnt.

Its really good that you are helping them to understand tags.

I don't think you are fat🤔. You looks good.. I am never growing fat 😂 eventhough I eat and eat a lot..

Thank you very much. Now I can eat in peace.

I also got muscle pull in some morning it is so irritating 😭

Muscle pull is so painful and annoying. I also have it sometimes when I wake up in the morning maybe because of the posture I took when sleeping through the night. However hope you are feeling better.

Thank you for taking part in The Diary Game on Steem.

Sorry we missed the voting on this post - we will add it to a future diary post.

The Steemit Team

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