We all have the bad parts, but can't list them.

in Steem Africa4 years ago (edited)

Source. Pixabay

We think, we reason, and we conclude. In life, we all have a picture of ourselves that exists within the confines of our minds. We all believe that we have good attitudes and characters, which is an inherent qualities of our mind. But the truth is; we don't have those good habits we claim to possess in our mind. It's just like buying a 70,000 game puzzle, only to realize that we couldn't complete it due to many reasons. These reasons are why we fall short of certain things that happen when we don't expect them.

We need to change our mindset and create a space

Source. Pixabay

The egoistic part of us will continue to play a drastic role in the development of our minds positively or negatively. When we always think we are right, we are creating a loophole for self-appraisal, which is far more detrimental to our being. Accepting defeat doesn't mean we are losers. No one is a highlander, and no one knows it all. The more we understand the simple law of power, the better we adapt to our environment and coordinate our mind to the tune of flexibility.

Let's face the fact. Do you have a good attitude?

No one will answer No, and if there is anyone to go negative, it would be 1 of 1000. We all believe we have the best character. Our mind deceives us and we deceive ourselves. Of course, we all have the best sides we can count on, but if we are asked to list the bad sides we possess, we would hardly fill two lines on a white A4 paper.

Give me a pen and a note, and I will surprise you with the good I can offer. You will tell me to stop writing
My quote

Tell me to write my bad parts, you would see the paper empty
My quote
Source. Pixabay

But the truth is; We all have many bad parts that we do not know, maybe because we always believe we are right or we have no one to call our attention to it. Until I was told that I get angry easily, I never knew. I was talking with a friend while in school and I received a call from a guy who wanted to pay into the faculty account. I reacted and banged the call because we've already concluded the account for the session. After like 5 minutes, I called him back and helped him out. My friend standing before me said: You are quick to anger, but you cannot contain it. And believe me, that was a turn around in my reactions. The statement keeps ringing in my head till today and it's helping my journey and interaction with people. How many of our ill attitudes we've not noticed?


We need to search our minds and first rearrange the parts we've gotten to be rotten. Noticing, writing down the stinking part, and reacting positively to it is a blessing. A new lesson from our jonesing would give us a better ending. Ask questions. Tell those you move with to tell you your weak and bad parts. It's never to make you feel down, but rather to lift you above your ego and strike balance in the way you deal with people.

Human beings will always remain dynamic. Change is constant, but let's dine with positivity and get better.

Thanks for reading.

I need your reactions on this. I would love to learn more from others.

You can follow my curation trail via this link
I'm a walking question mark. If you keep asking yourself questions about me, you will never find the right answer. Ask me and I will freely give it to you. If you don't, you might be wrong
Thanks for reading.

You can follow my curation trail via this link
I'm a walking question mark. If you keep asking yourself questions about me, you will never find the right answer. Ask me and I will freely give it to you. If you don't, you might be wrong
Thanks for reading.


Very nice motivation and inspiration! I really enjoyed every bit of words shared here. The message speaks a lot and admonishes us to accept defeat no matter what. We may be doing wrong things of which we may not know. Maybe when we are prompted we maybe angry. I have really learnt a lot from this. Thanks very much.

Thanks for the reaction @oppongk. I just came to realise that we have more bad attitudes than we can imagine. It's important we spot them by being sensitive, and ready to ask questions. Thanks a lot sir.

You are welcome Sis!

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