Review of My Tech Gadget / My technological gadget HP 420 Laptop With Steem

in Steemit Tigers3 years ago (edited)


A warm greeting and full of many wishes of prosperity for all.

Very interesting contest theme, allowing me to reminisce and share with you the value that my Laptop has for me. My tech gadget is an HP laptop. It was a gift from my husband 12 years ago, year 2010, and it has been my salvation especially in these times of Pandemic. I remember he bought it from an Italian man, father of a co-worker, who sold products from his apartment where he had his company called "Integrated Services", and one afternoon we went to pick up my gift there, in the city of Maracaibo. The price was 6385 BS which represented more or less 1485$ for the year 2010. Personally I like my laptop very much but nowadays the market offers equipment with more power and performance with the same value paid in 2010 of 1485$ equivalent to 2349 Steem more or less for today.

Operating system. Genuine Windows® 7 Professional 32 bit.
Memory (RAM) 2GB.
Display size. 14" (1366 x 768) HD BrightView LED backlit display.
Weight. 2.26 kg.


You could say that my computer is a great-great-grandmother of today's HP laptops, many new features and updates have been released. But mine has a life of its own, it's as if it knows it must stay active to help me do my steemit articles and my remote psychology consultations. I prefer it to the phone, and I take it everywhere. Her longevity has proven her high quality, she has been an enduring product. She has treated me well and so I reciprocate, I take care of her, remembering my father's advice: "He who does not take care of what he has, will ask for it", with this popular saying he sentenced that we should take care of what we have.


With my laptop, I have managed to do (as a participant) distance training, the last course I did was a Diploma in Leadership. My gadget has also been a great entertainment for me, checking social networks and interacting with family and friends who are in other countries. Besides, it is my companion and great ally to do my consulting work online, as I said before. In this regard I was motivated to work with this type of distance modality, was the situation of the pandemic and the avoidance of contagion by face-to-face care. I confess that I was not very fond of attending consultations at a distance, and now I have discovered that it is very useful to help people. Sometimes things have to happen in life that push us towards change and evolution. Now I love this method.

My laptop is faithful: I depend on it, and it knows it, now more frequently to make my interactions in Steemit, a community that since February of this year has given me many satisfactions, where I have been able to exchange my knowledge and learn from the members of the community and also to improve my economic income to provide at home.


Thanks so much, especially to @mohammadfaisal, for the amazing opportunity!

I invite @isabelserra, @willialba, @francysgriman and @julia253 to participate. You can get the contest here

All photos are my property and were taken with my Samsung Galaxy J260M cell phone.


Nice entry dear fellows you have done it very well, laptop is really a useful gadget which helps you as well as me in the steem blockchain.

Good evening, thank you for your attention. Buenas noches, gracias por su atención.

The feature of the laptop that you have mentioned in it is very strong and it is really the program of the future that is shown in it and all that you have mentioned about its RAM and hard is great and it is very great. I have prepared well for Operation Neoli

Thanks for reading me, happy evening.

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