The diary game betterlife 17/06/2021 by @alihassnain

in Steemit Tigers3 years ago

Hello friends, I hope all of you will be well. Today I will tell you what I did all day today. What I did today. I had breakfast today. I had breakfast after breakfast. I went to the mosque, after praying I recited the Qur'an and then came home and fell asleep. Today I got a call from my teacher whose name is Majid Sahib. He called me to the school where I was studying. I will show you some pictures of the school, how good my school was and how lovely the school was, so I will show you some pictures of it is made.
When I arrived at the school, this school was even more lovely. Its headmasters are very good and have a statement for tomorrow. When I went inside, I was very happy to see that I could do as little as I could. So I showed you the picture and you can see how much greenery was in our school. I have never seen such a nice and lovely plant in my life. I wish I could be here again and study in school because I have not seen so many beautiful plants in school. I'm showing people. If you like these pictures and like today's diary, let me know in the comments how you like me today because I like it when you comment on me today.
Because I came here after a long time and now I am a second year student. Dude, I used to study in the last six years. There was no dancing system here before. Now the scene here is very good. Now I will show you that I will show you how the building is built and the interior. I have taken a picture of you standing at a distance and you can see for yourself how good the building is and the builders have also appealed and the government has made it bigger. I have invested money and apart from investing money, the headmaster here has taken great care of it. I have never forgotten my school. I miss him very much. If I had come back in search of school, I would not have come here, God willing. I will release the children here because the teacher here and the headmaster here have done very well and the study here is also very good. I will do the same to you if your.
After that I go a little further then my heart and salary start and my mind also goes crazy because wherever I go your Ali is so green I have never seen in my life wherever I am I have gone to all the schools, colleges or universities, I have seen a good university and a good institution, so today I will show you another beautiful thing. I asked him, I quickly took out my phone and his I have taken a picture as you can see how well and from the letters I have taken a picture of it and from the side because if I want to make a phone call I have taken a picture of you very well like That you can see in my picture, if you like this picture of me, please let me know in the comments.
After that I am going a little bit. I go away. My heart goes out and something happens. I don't see that at the main gate where we are admitted, there are so many good Englishmen and they are decorated like this. I can't describe in a few words what could have happened to me if someone had decorated it so sweetly and so nicely that I say may Allah grant him paradise who has decorated such a nice piece of paper lovely. If the servant puts his foot inside, then the servant becomes the last. The servant becomes full of ways and the maker has hundreds of medicines that the friend has taken care of the servant's servant and he wins the level.I'll go a little further then just tell you what I saw so many good views in school today I thought I would tell you about the previous school that was so much in school you believe After this post, you will be amazed that there are so many Chakwals in the world. If you have seen this school all over the world, I would request you to study here and send your children here because I have completed it. I thought you must send your nieces and nephews here.
After that I get a little windy because I climb on the sidewalk because my head is not forgotten so I have to go to this head so when I read I say they are fun so good and so cute Who in the world would not have heard I say that whoever thinks this, may Allah bless him and keep him ready to work in the same way, I see such a lovely sidewalk is so clean and wonderful in this part. The location is getting lions and I can hear the birds chirping. I have a big heart. I see something. After seeing this, I am showing you this picture. If you like this picture, please tell me. Please comment on how you like these pictures. My post on Khawarij will make you happy that Ali Hassnain has written a very good post today.
After that I will go a little further. You will not believe. I have got such a good picture of Chip Chip. I am happy today. When you show my post today, you have to do something on the day of my post. They will say I wish I had such a kiss, I will kiss his face, I will believe because I am showing you in such a good school, maybe there is such a school spread in the world, this is a school spread in the world, I say that the first in Pakistan. I don't get to see such a good study and such a good environment. After that I went a little bit, so what do I get to see how the children are? I am sitting and studying and there are a lot of people where the number is increasing. There are small children studying here. It is getting a little hot. They are worse than each other and the teacher is sitting. So this child is busy with his studies and the uniform here is also very good and the uniform is big. He wears a nice dress and how do the children sit. These children were very nice. I asked him, "Dude, I have to meet Sir Majid. He will take his place. Call me on a winter morning." When she came, she said, "Come and meet me, where will they be sitting?" The little boy told me very kindly that they were sitting on their heads in the staff room, so I didn't know because the whole map had changed. So I said, man, show me the staff room, little boy, the little boy grabbed my finger and took me away in this offer, he was not available, so I said, man, he is not sitting in front now What do you do? He said, "Dude, why do you take the tension? I'm your brother. No, I'm younger than you. I'll take you to the capital. He grabbed me and took me to the playground, but I didn't have a brother yet." I could have done mobile standby there, so I didn't use my mobile, so I said, "Dude, he's not with me yet." He said, "No, man, I'm with you. We're somewhere else. Let's see. I greeted everyone and after that we sat for a long time. I talked to our master and asked him about my husband. Sir, what should I do? You advised me. Given that you will do BS honors in the future, you are well qualified and you also write six numbers, so insha'Allah you will become something or other, so I was sitting and talking to the owner, I was talking and I knew the time. I didn't go and then after that it was vacation time. I was going to the academy in front of me today to pick up the children. So they said, "Okay, man, I'm going to walk now. I was also late." Thank you so much for your time. Then I came back to my place. My heart was pounding to share more pictures with you, but there were enough pictures, so I didn't make them from here. Then I came back. I had my motorbike outside. I started the motorbike. I went back to my house. I was very tired after leaving. So I asked my mother to make me some food. He made me a quick meal and when I ate it was still done so I said why not do it for a while then I fell asleep for a while it was too late after sleeping four or five Hours had passed and I was asleep. After waking up, I washed my face and offered Asr prayers.

After Asr prayers I came back home. After that I got a call from my friend. How are you? He said, "Dude, if you need some things for the tandoori, then come." So he said to me, "Dude, there's a mall shop here, so I said, 'Come over here, I'll see you.' There is a man who is a big businessman, so I read a lot from him, but I also read it, and when I went back, there was a man who was doing a lot of work in it and he was throwing fire. You can see in the picture that the servant is working. If you like this picture, let me know in the comments. You will like this post of mine very much.

I hope you all like me very much today, so if you like me, I will tell you how you like my post today. I apologize to you. It is too late for me to write the post. For i have posted it till then you will take care of me and remember me in prayers i will meet you allah hafeez.


You have prepared the post very well and of course the red flowers you have shown in it. These flowers are very common in our area and they are used as special decorations and people at that time. Like your post great

Good work very nice post

This is a very difficult task and you have to be very careful while doing this. If you make a little mistake, you can cause a lot of damage to yourself. You must be careful while working.

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