Social Networks and Our Life

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How do social networks influence our daily lives? Could you elaborate?


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Social networks have a huge impact on our everyday lives these days. We manage our social lives online through sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. They've changed how we think about meeting people and forming relationships because now everything is just a click away. Chatting with distant friends and relatives, sharing photos, and giving updates have become much easier because of these sites. But this means people don't interact as much in real life anymore. However, the sad truth is that on these websites, most people don't show their true selves. They post idealized photos and updates, presenting a perfect persona that isn't always real.

These sites have also eroded our privacy. Now, everyone knows everything about us. We put our personal lives on the internet, accessible to anyone. This can be harmful. For example, people on Facebook constantly update their locations, photos, and random thoughts. They even share sensitive information like birth dates, school and college details, home addresses, and phone numbers. Previously, this information was known only to close friends and family. Now, any stranger online might access it.

Women are particularly open about sharing their personal lives. They post about relationships, breakups, and children's photos. This can backfire when the wrong people get hold of this information. Sometimes companies check candidates' Facebook profiles during job interviews, which can negatively impact them. Or someone they know might use these photos and information for shaming or blackmail. So, our privacy isn't secure on social media.

Which social network platform do you utilize the most, and do you believe your usage is appropriate? Please provide an explanation.

LinkedIn is my favorite platform these days and I love it. It is a professional network, so I can interact with professionals, which is good for my career and future. I use it every day to look for job opportunities, network with people, and join professional groups to keep myself updated. I think I’m using LinkedIn correctly. I only follow trustworthy companies and professionals, and I keep my profile updated for any job opportunities.

I find Facebook and Instagram useless, a waste of time. I don’t waste time posting trivial things or scrolling through others’ posts. I participate in serious discussions on professional groups or learn something useful on LinkedIn.

I used to spend a lot of time on Facebook, but I gradually realized it was a waste. Now, I use it much less because it’s just about seeing where others have traveled, what they’ve eaten, or whom they’ve photographed. People constantly update about trivial activities, which is a waste of time. Instagram is even more useless; it’s just about posting and viewing photos, liking, and commenting. That’s why I avoid these platforms.

What are the benefits and drawbacks you experience from using social networks?

Social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn have become a significant part of our lives. They've made the world a global village, bringing numerous conveniences but also some drawbacks.

The benefits include easy communication with friends and relatives worldwide, breaking down proximity barriers. They provide access to entertainment, sports, breaking news, and job opportunities. LinkedIn, for instance, offers immense career benefits. Knowledge is limitless with sites like YouTube and Wikipedia.


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However, excessive use can harm health, leading to issues like dry eyes and headaches. Online bullying and harassment are common.

People inadvertently share personal details, compromising their privacy. The biggest downside is the detachment from real life, as people get absorbed in their phones and neglect relationships. Unrealistic expectations arise from following celebrities' artificial lifestyles.

In conclusion, if used wisely, social networks have more benefits than drawbacks. But irresponsible use can harm health and waste time. So, moderation is key.

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Author: @waqarahmadshah | Date: 01-Dec-2023 | Achievement 1

Con la llegada de las redes sociales hemos logrado aprender grandes cosas hablar con personas que están en otro país, pero debemos mantener un equilibrio en cuanto al uso para no volvernos adictos a ellas

 9 months ago 

Hola @waqarahmadshah, gracias por compartir tus pensamientos sobre este tema.

Has mencionado cosas muy importante sobre este tema, como la privacidad se puede ver amenazada, ya no se interactúa personalmente y lo que muestran las personas en línea es una vida idealizada, que muchas veces no concuerda con lo que viven día a día.

Fue un placer leer tu publicación. Gracias y Saludos.

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 9 months ago 

Saludos amigo, las redes sociales llegaron para quedarse, pero debemos ser muy equilibrados, en cuanto a su uso y no descuidar lo primordial que son nuestra familia, tiene sus ventajas y sus desventajas, debemos aprender a usarla


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