SEC-S10W5– "Mi Lugar Favorito"

in Steem Venezuelalast year

Welcome to meet all my friends, how are you today, I hope you are fine today and are always excited towards the hopes we want, of course.



Talking about Favorite Places, of course everyone has favorite places which they think have a lot of very pleasant impressions of the place, but here I will participate in the challenge **Steemit Engagement Challenge S10W5:** with the theme **MY FAVORITE PLACE**

Hopefully with this theme there will be many steemians who like this challenge to be able to participate, so before that I invited my best friend @munaa @kaoba01 @patjewell @jannatmou to be able to participate immediately. So let's join in my participation in the following S10W5 challenge. .

What and how is your favorite place?

Regarding my favorite place, of course I have a very pleasant favorite place, namely the mosque, because in the mosque I have many opportunities to be able to worship, and do practices that I think are very good, such as reading the Koran and also circumcision prayers.


The mosque is one of the main ones that makes the place for me the most favorite place for me, whenever I have free time, of course I spend time in the mosque doing various things related to worship.

What makes it so special?

For me as a Muslim, the mosque is one of the most special places for me, because the mosque is a holy place and very good for worship than other places, so I chose the mosque as a place that is very pleasant and very comfortable for I am in worship all the time.


This is what makes me very special about the mosque as a favorite place in my life, as well as being able to enjoy this atmosphere of life peacefully when I am often in this mosque.

What do you do when you're at your favorite place?

Because the mosque is my favorite place that functions as a place of worship for Muslims, of course I have many activities that I can do, including holding prayers when the time comes, reading the Koran as an additional practice for me, and lots of activities that can be done outside of worship such as to keep the mosque clean and sometimes also to fill the ablution water in the tub that is already available so that there is no shortage of water when people want to pray.

With this activity, how happy I am to be able to provide something good for everyone and do something useful for my own life before I pass away later.


Briefly, tell us a memory or anecdote of that place.

Having many memories in my favorite place, and this is a memory that I can share as an anecdote that has happened and is memorable in my memories.

At that time I was asleep in the mosque, maybe I was very tired, even though it was Friday, which usually people would come for Friday prayers in congregation, but because no one woke me up at that time, I was surprised when many people were arriving to perform Friday prayers in congregation, even though I had not prepared everything properly due to oversleeping, moreover there were many mushallas that I had not laid out on the mosque floor.


This is a memory that makes me even less want it to happen and I don't want it to happen again, because this will make me ashamed of myself later.

Thank you all friends, for the time and opportunity in my participation in this S10W5 challenge, I hope that my participation will be as expected, and get support from good friends too.

See you

Aceh - Indonesia, 04 July 2023
best regards,

 last year 

@ustazkarim, the mosque is a sacred place for muslims where they spend long hours praying and reading the holy quran.

Undoubtedly a very important place for the Muslim religion.

Haha You fell asleep in the mosque, because you deeply relaxed something that can happen, nothing to be ashamed of.

Thank you for sharing your favorite place with friends in the community.

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 last year 

thank you friends, because the mosque is indeed the most beautiful place for me and really makes me comfortable when I'm in it


La Mezquita sin duda es un lugar sagrado para los Musulmanes y allí pasan mucho tiempo en el culto y con sus oraciones, es tu lugar favorito porque en el te sientes bien y paz y de eso se trata hacer un lugar nuestro y especial nuestro espacio.

Gracias por compartir con nosotros.


 last year 

Amigo @ustazkarim, saludos cordiales, siempre he querido conocer una mezquita, y conocer mas a fondo las escrituras del Coran, lo he leido en pocas ocaciones, pero necesito de una persona como usted apasionada para que me oriente en ese camino, muy bonita su publicación.

We all have that one place that is extra special to us. Thank you for sharing yours with us.
I had to smile when I read what happened with you falling asleep, mosque.
It is an issue I can relate to. My husband is forever falling asleep in church. Heaven knows why. These days, I make sure I take sweets with me for him to silently chew on.
Good luck with the contest, and thanks for the invite.

Memilih mesjid sebagai tempat favorit adalah suatu hal yang mulia. Sebagai Muslim sudah menjadi kewajiban kita untuk selalu menfavoritkan mesjid sebagai tempat tujuan yang utama.
Saya berharap anda tidak akan tertidur pulas di lain waktu.

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