Steemit Engagement Challenge: Encouraging creativity: Let's do origami!//Making a Gun By @tangwe-rene//

in Steem Venezuela2 years ago (edited)



Hello great Esteem Steemians
Greetings to this great and wonderful platform, today is another edition of the program where I will be talking about ancouraging a creativity by promoting an origami in steem venezuela.
I am very happy the platform decided to offer us the opportunity to carry out this this great and wonderful activities to help show case our talent of which I think it is very important to us as far as steemit engagement challenge contest are concerned.
I know I do not really have much to talk on but I believe this little I have will be of great important to this wonderful contest and platform as a whole.

Today is a new contest where I will talking about ORIGAMI of which I will be show case my talents on how to produce a gun.
Below are some of my entering
I aslo want to Used these medium to appriciate the platform for theses wonderful contest for it is an opportunity for some of us to show case our talent for seeing such opportunity now is very rare but I believe the steemit platform will be very amaze with what so ever talent we a bout to share as far as Origami is concerned.

Some Step by Step Methods Showing How To produce An ORIGAMI 🔫

The Image above are the only two indicator I am going to Used inorder to produce my origami.
Where I came from ,it had to have a to clean white sheet of paper 📜 for I was only opportune to have though two sheets.

These second image above is showing how the two sheets of paper are folded in to two parallel sheet for the formation of the next stage.

This third stage has been a very tough stage for me because just to came out with the curving wave structure which could help came out the design and details of what I had wow not easy but at the end ,my plans work as well.

Scattered structure of a gun
At this stage,I had to use the straight plane to slut it into the waving curve 🪝 plane sheet paper but it looks me.a lot of time before caming out with this ideology locately Even though it was not the perfect idea of what I actually needed.

Inline skates structure of a gun
This last stage of my origami creativity which gives a perfect discription of what I want.which has always been what I want even though it looks hard but it was just a matter of a technical know how which was my actual goal from the beginning of the Origami.

Perfect Gun structure

Above is a clear view of my design and perfect discription of my origami creativity.
For I have been over this perfect view for couples of day to came out with the perfect discription of what I wanted of which that was my almost priority and the tagged goals.

Below are some video video concerning the practical aspect as far as origami creativity is concerned

Apart from the above youtube video,you can also see a perfect discription discription of what I actually try to came out with.

summary of the my Origami above

Summary view of a Gun

With all this ,I am ready to protect my environment and my territorysuch as my compound.


I also want to Used this medium to invite some of my friends to come witness these contain with me @chiabertrand,@echamroland,@thegreen,
I hope you all will enjoy my work why reading it ,so let do creativity there by encouraging our talent.


Ohhh my friend i see you have a nice sense of creativity ..You virtually used your hands to create something beautiful , a gun 🤣🤣. I rendered when we were kids we do this and chase our friends around the school compound. But your gun can't shoot..

Good luck with the contest..

Haha thanks so much my friend I really appreciate every bit of word you for you are so encouraging

Okay, I had to show my stepson what you did!
He loves playing fortnite and are hooked on weapons :-)
He thought your gun is "awesome".
First time I've seen a paper gun. Good luck for the contest!

Am so happy with what you just told me am so impressed about it and which to to have meet with your step to teach him fun of the common talent I have on other aspects .
Am happy with what you just did am so proud of you for that

You are welcome 😊

That gun reminded me of my childhood where the boys will make a gun out of papers claiming to be police officers, chasing the bad boys shouting

Tah Tah Tah

As the sound of the gun. It was fun and your explanation is well of luck

Thank for the wonderful comment and support I really appreciate but as you rightly said it from that experience I was able to make that gun

You have done wonderfully well dear, i didn't do this one in my childhood, the only one i did is that of aeroplane, but following this steps, i have learnt a new one today.

You are welcome am happy you love it and hope to see you have a nice write in your next entering
Oncemore I appreciate you for your support and encouragement thanks you

 2 years ago 

I love your origami, very well done, simple, fast and very well explained... incredible that with only leaves you can make a fun weapon. Thank you for participating in the contest and success in the challenge.

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Thank so much for your wonderful comment and support .I really appreciate you for that

Great job @tangwe-rene. I never knew a gun too can be done with a paper.

Your step by step description of how to do this will make even the person like me who cannot do it to do it.

I would try it out someday.

That will be a very nice try brother for I really appreciate your encouragement hope you get a good results but if any doubting don't for to ask me cus am always bro

Ohh man, this just made me remember so much memories to me. I don't know how many times I have killed my brother with this gun in my childhood hahaha

Hahahaha brother you also remind me of my primary education and that what drive me towards doing that

Waaaah ma G, you be plug for fixed gun nor.. I hope say you nofit fixed real gun🤣🤣. I don't like gun at all because it's a very dangerous weapon

I'm happy the way you have show case your talent in producing a gun with step step methods. I have learned a lot from it and I can produce mine now

Thanks a lot for this beautiful input my brother

Your creativity is great .I remembered during primary school life .There was one guy who will always follow us with this paper made gun .we run round the school that we don’t want to be kill .It was really fun .Thanks for sharing with us

You are highly welcome and I really appreciate you for that wonderful comment

 2 years ago 

Un origami que muchos realizamos cuando éramos niños amigo una creatividad explicada con todos sus detalles y el paso a paso te deseo suerte en este concurso.

Saludos 🇻🇪👍

Muchas gracias por su apoyo y aliento, realmente los aprecio.

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