**SEC-S10W4 – SEC-S10W6 – "You also learn from mistakes"

Assalamualaikum dear brothers and sisters

Hope you all are doing well and good and enjoying the best days of your life. This is me @shahid2030 from Pakistan and you are here reading my post. You all are welcome here from the core of my heart.

Introduction to the topic


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This is my participation in a contest **SEC-S10W4 – SEC-S10W6 – "You also learn from mistakes" organized in Steem Venezuela by @teamvenezuela.

This is the sixth week of season 10 of the Steemit Engagement Challenge. A very beautiful contest on a beautiful topic. Human being is made for mistakes and must have to commit mistakes. It's associated with his life, but wise people are those who learn from those mistakes and put it as a lesson for themselves. Let's explore the topic well here.

we want to invite you to reflect and share your best experiences and life lessons.


Life is the name of ups and downs. A moment of day will make you laugh, the next moment you will be crying. So life is the composition of both. You may have heard: Success is linked with failure. Unless you didn't fail, you can't succeeded. So in practical life you have to face these things. The wise one is he, who gets lessons out of those things.

Let me share a practical example from my practical life. In my academic life I have learned alot from my mistakes. When I was at my FSc, in 1st year I spend the whole year without studying and having fun all the time. I just go to college to meet my friends and having fun there. My first year result shocked me. I just got 370 marks out of 505. It was too saddening for me. In next year I gird up and start working hard. I have cancelled some paper with low marks. By the grace of Allah I reached my marks to 973 out of 1100.

Then at My BS level. My first and second semester gone very bad. MY CGPA was below 3: something 2.95. In next semester I started working hard and AlhamduLillah my CGPA is at 3.3 out of 4. I have long experience of my academic life where I have learned from my mistakes.

what your opinion is about the phrase ""you can also learn from mistakes"".


This is a very perfect phrase, I am completely agree with. As I have mentioned, I have a vast experience of learning from my mistakes in my practical life, especially academic. Their are some other incidents too, but let me not share it, because it is about my personal life. Some serious issues.

It is famous in our area: A Brain get sharper with mistakes, not almond. Hahaha! it's a kind of funny thing, but if we think about it, it is quite near to reality. If you do something wrong once, the next time you will get listen out of it. You will improve yourself. Remember, failure and mistakes are just to get lesson out of it. They are the best guider and lesson givers.

You may have heard about it: a wise person always learns from other's mistake. In life you may not only learn from your own mistakes, others mistakes can always give you a guide in your life. Some people says, if stupid people were not born, from whome the witty people would get lesson. It's mean stupid people commit mistakes and wise people learned from it.

what advice would you give to people who think that mistakes are failures


Mistake are not a failure, even these two are far and different things. As it is a famous proverb " Practice makes men perfect", I would say " Mistakes make men perfect". Human is born for mistakes. The perfection is only associated with God. He is only perfect from all aspects. His existence is without any flaw, he is flawless.

In the world all the famous people, who are known for their great inventions have committed mistakes and they got failed at their initial stages. Take example of Thomas Edison. He made one thousand attemptsbto make a bulb. All the time he he got failed, but he didn't lose hope. He was learning from his mistake. He didn't repeat the same mistake of previous attempt and finally it lead him to the great invention. He lighten up the world with his tremendous invention of Tube light. All the light of the world of the world is because of him. It was his mistakes and failures which made his a great inventor, scientifist and a great person.

Mistake or failure alone is the thing that can lead you toward success. Dedication, passion and hardwork is must for it too. Millions of people get fail everyday. It doesn't mean they all are successful, but only those who struggle and work hard.

We believe that all experiences make us better every day and are very helpful when shared with friends?."


Yes it's true, our daily experiences make us better for the next day. Theirfor it is said, if someone has one day more experience than you, must lesson him. He may knows more than you. I personally think the experience I have this year is better than previous year, and of previous year is better than that previous and so on. When I go back five years, I see big difference in me today. Maybe after five years I would be different from what I am now. This time will be an immature or less experienced time for me as five year back is for me now.

Talking about sharing it with friends, I am a bit sensitive about it. It depends which nature you friends are. If they are positive, supportive and optimistic, you may share it with them. In contrast, if they are negative, toxic and pessimist kind of people, must avoid them. They will will put you more in trouble. They will make a huge mountain from a minute mistake or failure of yours. They can only disheart and demotivate you and nothing else. So if you know your friends are trust worth and worthwhile you may share your personal things with them, otherwise avoid them.



A wise and witt person will always learns from his mistakes. Mistake is in human genes. Clever people don't get disappointed with it. It a lesson for them in future. A failure is the first step toward success. One can't succeeded unless he failed. We should implement these things in our practical life. It will help us alot and make us enough courage to digest our mistakes. The most important thing is one's hard and dedication. He/She should give his/her hundred percent and leave the result on God.


This is all about my blog for today. I hope I have done Justice to the topic, you have learned something from it and enjoyed reading it. See you you soon with a new amazing and interesting topic, till take care.

I would like to invite @goodybest @aaliarubab @suboohi to participate in this contest and enlighten us with your precious knowledge

Your presence here means alot
Thanks for being here

Regard shahid2030



Dear, wrote about the ups and downs in your study life. You have studied well and got good results. And when you read a little less, you get less marks. This has happened in my educational life as well. Good luck with your writing.


This post has been upvoted through steemcurator08. We support quality posts anywhere and with any tags. Curated by: @deepak94

THANK you for your kind support dear.

 last year 

I loved your post @shahid2030, even the phrases you leave in them, indeed we are people who make many mistakes, but it is those stumbles that will lead us to be better and achieve success.

It is very true what you say about telling our mistakes to anyone, we must be cautious so that they do not take our mistakes as mockery.


Your precious words means alot to me. Huge respect and love to you.
Thanks for being here and give that much honor to my post.

I completely agree with you. Making mistakes is a natural part of being human, and it's important to learn from them and grow. This contest is a great opportunity to reflect on our own experiences and share valuable lessons with others. Let's make the most of it!

Thank you brother for giving time to my blog. It's very true we learn from our mistakes. It's the business of witty people.

Huge respect and love dear.

Thank you so much for your kind words! I'm glad you found value in my blog and agree that learning from our mistakes is an important part of personal and professional growth. Witty people definitely have a knack for turning their experiences into valuable lessons. Sending you lots of respect and love as well!

 last year (edited)

Hola amigo @shahid2030, gracias por participar en este desafío.

Así es, las personas exitosas, han fallados. Para obtener éxito, necesitamos fallar y aprender de ese error.

Tú has experimentado los errores, pero lograste aprender y has mejorado en tus estudios.

Del error vienen los éxitos.

Fue un placer leer tu publicación. Saludos

Thanks for the beautiful remarks. It means alot dear.
I am happy you agree with my idea: we learn from our mistakes.

Huge respect and love dear.

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