SEC-S13W6 – Let's talk about things that could improve the world

in Steem Venezuela10 months ago

In the world we live today, the crime rate has risen to a very alarming rate and it has overwhelmed the security forces in each country. Sometimes, you see videos of people been shot for Know reasons, making it look like we’re in dooms day. Sometimes this criminal go scot free roaming the city looking for another easy target. In few moments, I’ll be talking on technology I feel that can improve the world and reduce crime rate in the police force but before that happens I’ll love to invite some honorable guest to the high table to come and partake in this SEC-S13W6 contest namely, @emma01 (chief commenter), @bossj23( boss of all bosses) and @blessingogah-1 ( our queen of contest) 😂😂. Wishing us all luck as we partake in the competition.



Let’s say John and his friends went out to have some fun and it was time to go home. John and his friends was about entering the car before John sited an alley and beg for his friends to give him just 2 mins to take a leak because his pressed due to the excessive drink in his system. it’s been 45mins, John isn’t out yet and his friends are growing impatient. One of them decided to go check John out, only to find him dead…. Cops will do their investigation but sometimes, the criminals go unpunished working free!!

Imagine if you have the power to see through John’s eye the last moment he saw before he died?? That will make work a whole lot easier for the police

Science has proven that it takes hours for a brain to die before the brain cells start to die.

Imagine, if their was a powerful technological device that could help jump start the brain, making it possible to see final moments of a victim probably through a monitor/screen before a victim closed his eyes. Such a device could indeed revolutionize criminal investigations and contribute significantly to solving cases. A lot of the perpetrators will be caught and prosecuted for their crimes against humanity.



For such possible changes to happen it will depend on a lot of stakeholders and agencies but I’ll be listing few of them I feel will be important.

  • Tech guys: this are the core guys for such devices to even exist in the first place. Without them, all this are just fairy tales and fantasies. It can never work. It would take brilliant minds to come together to perform their magic for such device to become a reality.
  • regulatory agencies: imagine such devices falling into a wrong hand or in the hands of the deceased family member who wants to take revenge. Trust me, such people can’t be controlled. That’s where regulatory agencies come into play. They would need to establish guidelines, regulations, and legal frameworks to ensure responsible use of the device or else people might end up perpetrate same crimes you’re trying to avoid.
  • law enforcement agencies: they will have to find a way to implement such devices in their institution, after all, it’s for their own good. It will help them fight crime and bring murder down to the barest minimum.
  • Public opinion: People always fear what they don’t understand that’s you see all manner of protests, take for instance, when the Covid vaccines was introduced newly, there was all manner of speculation and fake news flying around. Some even went as far as protesting against the vaccine. For such hi-tech device to be accepted, people need to be carried along especially all this religious people.


I don’t really have tools to achieve such actions. Is just a little fantasy that crossed my mind as a result of this contest. Nevertheless, it won’t be a bad idea if such things happens to exist.

Do you think others would imitate these actions for a collective achievement?


The chances of people imitating this action is high considering the benefits it will help in reducing crime and giving people the justice they deserve. As long as it is transparent, ethically acceptable and beneficial to the society at large, people will adopt such inventions. Public perception and acceptance play a crucial role in determining whether such innovations will be collectively adopted or met with skepticism.

But in my own opinion, I’ll say is best kept secretly among top officials in secret service or military because it will be of no use when the public finds out such technology exists. People will always find a way of by passing the technology, probably by blowing the brains of.. just like in movies we watch, were spies are injected micro cheap without the enemy knowing. with that secret chip, the enemy is infiltrated by the good guys!!


A world where technology gives us the opportunities to see the last moments of a victim will help shape the criminal investigation process and reduce crimes. But for such technology to be accepted, it will take collaborative efforts of key stakeholders.

Well, that’s my little contribution to the world in regards to “things that could improve the world” until we meet next time!!


 10 months ago 

Greetings friend @sbamsoneu

I think it's a great idea, being able to visualize the last thing a person could see before their death, perhaps this would clarify many cases of murders that remain a mystery to this day.

Maybe your idea is nothing new, it reminded me of this exciting Will Smith movie.

Thank you for joining the contest.

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Yes, that's the one I had in mind ;-))

You're undoubtedly right about your own view of reducing crime rate to improve the world as a whole. If there was such a technology, it would have revolutionised some investigations carried out formally. But even if there was a technology, I feel crime and corruption has become a sole part of the world and is even predicted in the bible. Even these so-called crime fighters are involved in corruption of the highest order to the point of overlooking or even concealing lot of crimes. Thanks for sharing your own view and for the invite as well

That’s why I feel it should be like a top secret stuff.. not to popular or known to people..

Thanks for visiting my page

I vaguely remember a movie that plays with this idea. And the fatal errors that could result from the use of such technology...

My approach would always be to tackle the causes of crime. And not on the surface... Technology can certainly help us in many areas, but it won't save us!

Hello! Your approach to reducing crime through technology is fascinating. The proposal for devices to witness a victim's final moments could revolutionize criminal investigations. Collaboration among multiple stakeholders is crucial to materialize this vision. A valuable contribution to a safer and more just world! 🌟

Yeah… at that rate, we’ll see low murder rate. And we will all live happily ever after

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