SEC-S10W2 – Happy StoriessteemCreated with Sketch.

in Steem Venezuelalast year (edited)

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Hello friends, I hope you are all well. I am also well because of the infinite mercy of God. Once again, I come to you to participate in this amazing topic of the second week of the Steemit Engagement Challenge. Through today's challenge, I will share with you about My happy stories.

Happy Stories

The ultimate happiness in life lies in being able to be happy. By remembering happy moments, when a small smile comes to the corner of the lips, we understand how important it is to spend happy moments in our lives. I will share with you some of my happy moments from the past few years that made me realize that living in this world is worthy.

Every year on the morning of Eid, I celebrate many happy moments with all my younger cousins and hug each other in the traditional way. One of our traditions is to visit all the neighbors' houses on Eid.

This year, in the morning, I went to visit my neighbors houses one by one with all my cousins and exchanged love with everyone.

The happiest things are that every year the number of my cousins increases and our Eid joy becomes more memorable.

This year added one more cousin in our team

When I was in school, we four brothers and sisters used to sit at the same reading table every evening.

Most of the time, we used to play different games after finishing our homework, and whoever lost had to sing or not laugh for a long time. The day my younger brother lost a game, so he was punished for not smiling for a whole time, but after a while he was smiling and making us laugh too.

The harmony and love between brothers and sisters cannot be found anywhere else in the world, and therein lies the ultimate happiness of life.

Joy with my sidings on the reading table(2013)

Earlier, I was not very friendly with children, but after my nephews came into the world, I spent so many happy moments with them that now I want to play with every child.

I play football with my nephew at our house. I am always the goalkeeper for them, and they have one Messi and one Ronaldo. After the game, I came to take a selfie as a fan of them.

Selfie with two of the world's best footballer

All my close friends from school joined the Shalban Vihar tour. From morning till evening, we friends grazed all our old memories and shared happiness with each other by adventuring in this historical place.

On this day, we had many funny incidents that happen when mischievous friends get together. One of my friends always follow girls wherever he go. In the picture, a friend of mine was missing who was following a girl.After he came back we had a lot of fun with him.

A friend of mine is always missing

Seeing the friendship of my friends makes me realize that living life is happiness.

Tell us any anecdote you have because as we know there is always a special moment that remains engraved in our minds.

There is an anecdote in my life that will remain etched in my mind forever. My father went to observe Holy Hajj in 2022 and bought a jubba for my little nephew there. When he wore the jubba, he looked quite like an Islamic scholar.

My nephew Fatin as a scholar

He gave us all a lot of joy with his gestures and taught us Islamic culture by behaving the way adults behave. After some time, he will tell everyone, I have lectured you a lot; now give me my payment. I almost fainted from laughing while listening to him.

From your point of view, what is happiness and how do you seek to achieve it?

Happiness is being able to feel that we are living with a sense of meaning and purpose and sharing our happiness and joy with others. Our lives are temporary, and if I can't be happy with everyone, if I can't be a reason for someone's happiness, if I can't make some good memories for myself, then I won't be able to find happiness. The key to our happiness in life is in our hands; we just need to turn it in the right lock.

I would like to invite my friends @mostofajaman @enamul17 @mdkamran99 to participate in this content. Contest Link: SEC-S10-W2 : " Happy Stories"

Thank You So Much For Reading My Blog
 last year 

¡Holaaa amigo!🤗

La felicidad es un estilo de vida que solo nosotros tomamos la decisión de hacerla parte de nosotros o no por ello, es indispensable que reflexionemos en todo lo bueno que este estado emocional nos aporta y, en lo que sucedería si la excluimos.

Me encanta la relación que tienes con tus primos... Me sucede igual y, ellos prácticamente son unos hermanos con los que tenemos millones de oportunidades para ser feliz.

Un fuerte abrazo amigo💚

Spending time with siblings is really a happy moment. The way you chose happiness admired me. Good luck with the contest.

Yes ,my friend .My siblings are one of the sources of my happiness. Thanks for visiting .

You are welcome.

Assalamu Alaikum dear brother Eid day is most beautiful day in of every child and adult love to celebrate it with joys and happiness. Gathering is really excitement of Eid day, you all are looking great while together.

Best wishes

Walaikum Assalaam . You are right. Eid is a day of great joy for children who look forward to it and are excited for it from a long time in advance. I spend this day with many happy moments. Thanks for visiting ,Friend .

 last year 

Pasar tiempo con la familia es los mejores momentos que podemos tener, los chicos con sus ocurrencias nos alegran el día
Que tenga un feliz día amigo

I agree with you ,Friend .Happiness lies in spending time with family, sharing happiness with each other and being together in every moment . Thanks for visiting .

 last year 

Hola cariño 😊
Tienes mucha razón la felicidad solamente puede estar en nuestras manos solo debemos decidir De qué manera vamos a ser felices.

Muy cómico tu sobrino con su atuendo me imagino las carcajadas de ustedes porque los niños cuando saben que nos hacen reír se ponen un poco más divertidos para lograr que sigamos con las risas por un tiempo más prolongado.

Muy buenos momentos los que te hacen feliz amigo te deseo mucho éxito y bendiciones y que la felicidad siempre te siga acompañando

Saludos amigo

sí ciertamente la felicidad está en cada uno de nosotros y en poder disfrutar de esos pequeños momentos que tenemos la oportunidad de vivir junto a nuestros seres queridos.

Veo que tus primos forman parte especial de tu vida y es que gracias a ellos aprendemos mucho y vivimos situaciones divertidas deseo que puedas seguir teniendo momentos felices en su vida . ..

Buena suerte

 last year 

Creo que los momentos más gratos u divertidos en una familia ocurren con los primos, en mi historia feliz ellos también son los protagonistas, tenemos la fortuna de tener muchos primos y cada año siguen sumándose más jaja.

Esto es muy bueno porque sabemos que cuando lleguemos a nuestra madurez ella serán los creadores de nuevas historias felices y anécdotas como la de su pequeño primo que se comportó como un adulto y luego salió con la ocurrencia de pedir pago por los conocimientos impartidos.

La felicidad llega todos los días a nuestra vida solo que a veces no la dejamos pasar y se cuela la amargura o la melancolía.

Siempre trato de sonreír y hacer feliz a quién está a mi lado.

Gracias por compartir esta historia con todos nosotros.


With great emotion we notify you that this article has been curated by @malikusman1, member of team #2. Your content is amazing, keep working hard to opt for the weekly top.

Voting date: 12/06/2023


I had a big laugh when I read this part 😄

After some time, he will tell everyone, I have lectured you a lot; now give me my payment. I almost fainted from laughing while listening to him.

Quite a unique write up @ripon0630 good luck with the contest bro, well done 😎 ✌🏽

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