S-V Desafió fotografico #108 | Photography of gardens.

in Steem Venezuela3 months ago

Hello friends how are you all?Hope you all great by the grace of almighty Allah. I am also doing great

Let's share my photography with some different angel,I am sure you all like it,so let's start.

Hello friends how are you all ?Everyone is fine. Alhamdulillah I am very well. First of all, my respect and love to all the moderators and admins of the steem venezuela community and to all my friends. I am here today to participate in a competition which is about garden photography. And thank you very much to @miyexi for giving us the opportunity to present such beautiful photography to everyone. We all love gardens. I personally love gardening. Whether it is a garden. I like gardening by planting different types of plants on the roof, flower garden, vegetable garden. I also have a roof garden on the roof of my house with various types of fruit and vegetable plants. Today I will present to you some garden photography. Those are pictures of a nursery garden. My husband and I went to the nursery to buy some plants and saw lots of plants and lots of flower gardens.

And I love to see different types of flowering plants. When I see different colors, the environment becomes beautiful and my heart feels good when I go there. So I couldn't stop myself from looking at that flower garden. Because if I see something beautiful, beautiful flowers, beautiful environment, even if I see something beautiful, I want to do photography. There were lots of marigolds. And I like to see so many marigold flowers there, I immediately take photos of those flowers and take some photos of myself with the flowers. There were not only marigolds but also different types of flowers that were unknown to me. There were some brinjal flowers with yellow flowers peeking out from the middle of the flowers which made the environment look very charming. It was like entering a flower kingdom. Indeed this wonderful beauty of nature always brings us solace. So let's see some of my garden flower photography.

I invite friends @marito74, @beautiful12 and @zory23 to share photos of their garden with us.

My phone details

CameraRedmi note 11s

Goodbye for today

Thanks for reading, stay safe, hope all of you are well


 3 months ago 

Saludos amiga @rajusam

Gracias por mantener una buena actividad en la plataforma.

Tu publicación ha sido recompensada por La cuenta Comunitaria @teamvenezuela de la Comunidad Oficial Steem Venezuela.

Apoyado por: @miyexi

venezuela blog.jpg

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March 07, 2024

Hola amiga @rajusam

Que bellas flores crecen en tu jardin, adornando el ambiente con vistosos e intensos colores todo un hermoso espectaculo para contemplar y alegrar nuestra alma y espiritu.
Toda la.creacion es un gran espectaculo para la vida.

Deseo muchos exitos y salud

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