Concurso: SV Creativo #52

in Steem Venezuela6 months ago
💕Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim💕
Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah

I am Samanta Khan. I use the username @rajusam on. I am from #Bangladesh among you.

Created by Canva,

Dear Steem Venezuela!

Assalamu Alaikum hope everyone is healthy. My utmost respect and love to all the above honorable persons and responsible persons. I am very well this beautiful afternoon. Today I came to participate in @miyexi mam's doodle art contest. I was very surprised to see this competition at first. Because I am very new to this doodle art. So whenever I came to know about the industry I was very interested to know about it. I thought what kind of art is this. I found this art very amusing and humorous. Later my son informed me about it. Still I tried to know the complete analysis about this industry from internet. After learning, the art looks very beautiful to my eyes and I am having a lot of fun with it. It feels good to know something new. It is rare to be ignorant of certain things. In our spare time, we put anything that we find at hand without knowing our mind into a notebook, the art of things that we get in our hands is known as doodle art. Today I will make this doodle art on a page of my son's notebook. ​

I used pencil, eraser, color pen to draw this art. So let's start the industry.

Step 1

First I drew the box on top of a notebook.

Step 2

Then I took mushrooms, houses, clouds, and a tree.

Step 3

Then I painted fish, cactus and chocolate. My son was asking me to draw chocolate.

Step 4

Then I drew book, apple, icecream, bottle, heart, watermelon, yes, pencil.

Step 5

Later came radio, rainbow, hat, moon, butterfly, boat.

Step 6

Then I completed the doodle art with pineapple, umbrella, bird, flower, bulb, bus etc.

Step 7
Then I colored the art with color pen.

I completed the doodle art with various things. I drew what came in my mind. I fulfilled some of my son's obligations. Hope you like it too.

I got the idea to draw this art from Google and I was able to draw it. My son helped me a lot while painting the picture. Passing me color pens and encouraging me. My son used to tell me that mom, you draw beautifully. I am more inspired to hear his words. I felt very happy after my drawing. Thank you very much everyone. I am very happy to try something new today.

I would like to invite
@abdulmukit and
to participate in this competition.

Thanks alot for reading .

Good luck to you.
I wish you well

Best regards


 6 months ago 

Saludos @rajusam

Gracias por mantener una buena actividad en la plataforma.

Tu publicación ha sido recompensada por La cuenta Comunitaria @teamvenezuela de la Comunidad Oficial Steem Venezuela.

Apoyado por: @adeljose

venezuela blog.jpg

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 6 months ago 

Saludos @rajusam, tu bonito dibujo me recuerda los emoticonos o emojis de la mensajería instantánea de los teléfonos, excelente participación.

Thank you mam.

Hola amiga, que bonito que nos mostraras tu proceso de hacer garabatos. Me encantó cada uno de los dibujos que hicistes, son muy bonitos y coquetos te deseo éxitos y bendiciones en el concurso. Saludos para ti.

Thank a lot my sister.

 6 months ago 

Hello friend, I'm glad you liked the dynamic.

Certainly doodling is a free art that is created according to our imagination, and it is also fun.

You did a good job in your designs, successes and blessings.

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