SEC-S18-W4: My selfies and me.

It's my pleasure to be here with you guys how are you doing? I'm very happy to take part of this week Engagement challenge which talks about selfies.

Now take a look at my selfies.


My first selfies is my mom and l. when you talk about people that add values in our life mother is number one. With out a mother, life can be so miserable for you while growing up. Am I right or wrong? Drop your comments on the comment box.

me and my mother were on our way to witness one of my cousin wedding so I decided to take this selfies knowing that one day, I will be glad to save this selfies picture here.

Okere-blessing and me.

My selfies 2 is one of us @okere-blessing and I. I was very happy to see her today at my shop. And I just feel like taken a shot with her so as I was going through my cell phone to take part of this engagement, this picture atract me to post it here.

When ever I see her around I like to interact with her and most of my interactions with her is usually something about steemit. And one thing I like her is that she always answer me. Unless she don't know or have any knowledge about it. And this has made me to be very close to her than when I knew her before.


In a family where there is love, peace and understanding is always a happy home and all the time your mind will be there even when you are married out.

This picture remaind me the time I went to visit my elder sister. It was a joyous holiday to me because I know the kind of sister I have.

She is a kind of person that doesn't like to suffer her some body or get worried of something. I spent over two weeks at her place and she was the one providing every thing both feedings without asking me to bring money. I relax, sleep and wake up when ever I wish infact it was a very huge happy holidays moment for me. It was as if I shouldn't go back again.


This is another of selfies picture of me and my children as we were returning from our normal church service one of our member offer to help us by dropping us at home I was so excited that day so I decided to take a shot of this picture not for anything but for fun because I know it will be useful to me one day. And I'm so happy it's one of my selfies here.

I'm so excited to shear some of my selfies with you. But before I drop my pen let me invite @bela90 @eveetim @patudoh to continue from me thank you.


Nice pictures, nice entry. Best wishes dear.

Thanks dear you are welcome.

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

You have got wonderful pictures I will give kudos to steemit , because you learned how to snap any event courtesy of steemit. Thanks for sharing your joy with me I was glad to meet you too. Tell me your happiness today was excess did you win any lottery?


Hi dear

Happy to be reading from your entry post

I see you got a collection of good selfies and perhaps one with your mum. It's so sweet and like you said mothers are more than shelters to our lives growing up.

Good luck

Your selfies are spectacular, the one with your mother will always reminds you of the beautiful moments with your mother. You also have a selfie with a steemian which is wonderful itself, it goes a long way to show we can make friends on this wonderful platform. My friend, I wish you all the best.

Yeah dear. I have make many friends here on the platform and I'm very intouch with them.

 last month 

Un saludo apreciada amiga me alegra de que nos presentes tus selfies donde se te ve muy feliz cada fotografía que nos presentas es tan valiosa para ti. Debo decir que nuestras madres son lo primero en eso tienes toda la razón y no lo pongo en duda. Me encantó tu presentación y que bonito que cuando estás con tu hermana mayor ella está al pendiente de ti sin nada a cambio pienso que ese es el verdadero amor de hermanos, deseo éxitos para tí y tu participación, saludos y hasta la próxima.

Thanks dear I'm happy you stop by.

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