SEC-S18-W4: My selfies and me| Creating unforgettable adventures!

in Steem Venezuela16 days ago
Selfies Mood Boards Photo Collage in Pink White Red Sticker Pop Style_20240610_131318_0000.pngDesigned using canva app

Being my own kind of beautiful, no filters just vibes, is selfie!

Before selfies what was in existence? Please tell me if you know. Selfies are cool way we allow ourselves flow, vibe, align and enjoy every beautiful moments. It's not about the pictures but about creating unforgettable adventures...

Selfie 11718023902240.jpgA selfie with Micheal

This is a selfie with Michael, and it was taken on December 20th, 2023. He's my baby boy with the vibe. So one day, I visited home to share an interesting time with everyone. Michael was on holiday, and do you know the smart thing about this boy? He waits patiently for you to drop your phone, and he will quietly pick it up to entertain himself.

When I finally caught him, we decided to take a selfie. Now, looking at this picture reminds me so much of him. We played and ate together; we strolled out together to buy his snacks; and we also watched movies together.

Michael is smart, happy, handsome, and lovely to spend time with, but when he wants to be stubborn, that can be very annoying. Each time I visit home, I always want to spend quality time with him.

Selfie 2IMG_20230520_104030_7.jpgA selfie with Uche

All I remember staring at this selfie was the mysterious things that happened to us on our way to Edo State, Nigeria. My friend Uche was the antagonist in the vehicle we were in.

First, Uche didn't pay for the bus; second, her name was not on the list, and everyone wondered how she was able to be inside the bus and still attack everyone that tried to talk to her. Uche is cool to be with, but her attitude can turn a beautiful moment into an ugly one.

We took this selfie in Edo State, Nigeria, on May 20, 2023, when we attended an occasion with one of our senior colleagues. She was in a very happy mood, and in our room, Uche made my stay at Edo State an adventurous one. It's good to remember.

Selfie 3IMG_20240107_085111_805.jpgA selfie of myself, no filters, just vibes

This is me feeling all the beautiful moments of life. I am laughing and smiling at the things around me, embracing the beauty of nature, and vibing all alone. What can I say? It is best to be happy when something or someone is not behind it.

I believe selfies are best taken when alone; no filters, just vibes. On this day (7|01|2024), I was on my way to church when I took this selfie. I remembered how many people passed by me and their comments as I was taking my selfie.

I dressed to my taste, and I didn't need anyone to tell me how beautiful or good I was because I knew that I was looking my best. You know, there is this confidence we feel when we dress to our taste? We feel on top of the world, and we feel like we are the most beautiful. Of course, I was the most beautiful on this day!


I invite @nancy0 @mariami @aviral123

 16 days ago 

Hola que bien amiga que nos selfies tienen parte importante en tu vida que te hace feliz ver esos recuerdos
Veo que Michael es un niño movedizo que tiene mucha energía para tomar el teléfono y divertirse un rato con el si que nos demos cuenta la felicidad está co el hecho de que uno se divierta viendose uno mismo

Of course, he is. Thank you so much!

 15 days ago 

Hola amiga que hermosa fotografía, tu hijo es muy inteligente y es que ellos no pueden ver qué uno deje el teléfono en algún lugar enseguida lo toman y comienzan hacer sus travesuras,
Me encantó leerte

I appreciate ma'am, thank you!

 15 days ago 

Hola amiga @ninapenda las selfies por ser de frente nos muestran detalles belleza lo más hermoso de nuestro rostro para que filtros jejeje eso es aceptar que hay hermosura en ti.
Los niños siempre quieren fotos, lo certificó tengo 4 y siempre quieren una.

Saludos y bendiciones 😊

Thanks so much!

I love all your selfies but the one you are on low cut is more beautiful,seems being on low cut fits you more.

Thank s ma'am


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Being your own kind of beautiful, no filters just vibes is selfies and selfies don't lie. Your selfies are lovely
I really like that your friend uche , and I am wondering too how she manage to be in the bus 🤣 it is a very funny situation shaaa

Hola mi bella amiga @ninapenda que lindas selfies tienes , son momentos divertidos quedando marcados para la posteridad.

Te ves muy hermosa en tus fotos, me encantaron.

Te deseo exito en tu participacion.


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