SEC-S18-W2: "Show your sense of humor with memes"


I feel in today's time, you are truly successful if a meme is based on you. - Sanya Malhotra.

It is no news in Nigeria that electricity bills come in at outrageous figures. There are lots of complaints about crazy bills, but that hasn't changed a thing.

Waking up this morning to the knock at my door, I expected to receive a good morning gift or some sweet words. Guess what? It was my electricity bill. I didn't take a look at it immediately; I needed to finish up my morning routine before that.

Angry Cat Photo And Text Meme_20240527_112640_0000.pngmemes from canva app

What? How can this be my bill for a month? I had to check the name, address and year to be sure it wasn't someone's bill.

Angry me, moving from one room to the other shouting at the bill, wondering how many points I use at home. I decided to count my room points over time to be sure I didn't have so much.

I don't use heavy appliances and yet my bill is very high. I took my bath, dressed up and left for their office, I needed to iron it out with them.

Getting to the office, I met a large crowd waiting to be attended to. I heard some unnecessary complaints from customers just like me.

Now, it's my turn to complain to them, but they never gave me the opportunity to, and they had all the time to say a lot of things while I listened with the anger in me.

With a heavy heart, I listened as I said thousands of words in my heart. Only if they had seen my heart, they would have changed my bill immediately.

Cat Before Coffee After Coffee Two Photos And Text Meme_20240527_113353_0000.pngmemes from canva app

When I got tired of listening, I got angry and started shouting because they weren't making sense to me. I was boiling so badly as if I could change what was written on the bill.

At that moment I remembered the source of my money and decided to shout a little for them so they knew that I suffered to make the money.

They don't care to know how your money was made, all they know is "pay your bill."

Teacher Meme in White Black Social Meme Style_20240527_113706_0000.pngmemes from canva app

When I know I can do nothing to change the bill, I humbly pay my bills to avoid disconnection. After getting angry and shouting, I finally paid the bills humbly.

But remembering I have no high appliances at home made me want to change my mind, but I need electricity right? Let me just pay and save myself this drama.

I like memes because they are just seen as the digital version of an inside joke. We all possess one joke or the other inside, and with memes, we show how happy, angry, disappointed or lovely we felt.

I will let my friends @ruthjoe @eliany @inspiracion to share their sense of humor with memes to us.


 last month 

Muchas veces las facturas de los servicios llegan tan altas que nos enojamos, pues no se comprende el porqué de tales cifras. Esto ha sido útil para que se recree un meme en el que se expese la insastifacción por el monto de la factura.

Éxitos en el concurso.

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

You are outstanding in making the most realistic thing into the form of memes. You also explained the meaning of it so nicely. Hope your electricity bill limit within your budget as you don't have heavy appliances. Wish your success in the dynamic.

Thank you so much Sir

My Pleasure!

 last month 

¡Holaaa amiga!🤗

Los gatos suelen tener un sin fin de memes jajaja y es que, incluso mientras duermen, son un maravilloso motivo para hacernos reír y, lo digo con bastante conocimiento de causa porque, tengo uno en casa y, te podrás imaginar todo lo que me hace reír jajaja.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo💚

Thank you so much

 last month 

Wow what a great contest you have entered. Your post is very well presented.

I appreciate

 last month 

Saludos amiga, muy lindo el gatito riendo jajaja me encanto tu publicación éxitos para ti.

Buena participación amiga @ninipenda siempre me han gustado los memes de gatitos, buena historia y se nota mucho como los memes siempre estan presentes en nuestras vidas.


Hola amiga, los memes de gatos son de mis favoritos, a demás que hacen tantas caras únicas, lamento que no pudieras recrear la foto con gatos reales. jejeje

Estoy de acuerdo contigo cuando dices que los memes son una versión digital de las bromas que llevábamos por dentro.

 29 days ago 

Jajaja pobre de ti amiga, que lástima que las facturas sean a tan alto costo, me hiciste acordar a mi mamá cuando la visité en vacaciones 😅 le pasó algo muy similar, jajaja... Pero es cierto, nada ganas con molestarte, si no pagas, no te darán el servicio.

A veces, aunque estemos enfurecidos, lo mejor es relajarnos y estar tranquilos, no te queda otra opción!!!

Te deseo mucho éxito y bendiciones amiga!!!

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