SEC-S10W6 – "You also learn from mistakes"

in Steem Venezuela11 months ago

Hello friends,

How do you feel about this last week in season 10? We have journeyed through the processes and no mistakes. Do you think you made no mistake at all? Well, that brings me to our topic for this last week, You also learn from mistakes.

A mistake is a wrong act. It is an action taken without thinking through if it was the best decision. The mistake is what happens always because perfection is of God and not human. The fact we are human, the mistake is bound to occur. A mistake can be a wrong action, a wrong judgment, or an error.

I know a friend who deliberately do something wrongly and when he is asked, he tags it as "mistake" but he knows it was never a mistake, and am wondering what it should be 🤔 I have made several mistakes in life starting from growing up till now. Growing up, when you make any mistake at home, at school, errands, you are been corrected with strokes of the cane.

I had an experience just last year about a terrible mistake I did that almost cost lives and properties. I returned from work one evening and I had to prepare my dinner. I stay alone so it all load on me, I was going to make Noddles and eggs because I was tired so I needed something easy and quick.

flame-1363003_1280.webpmatch stick on fire

Just as I lit the match stick, I mistakenly dropped it into my dustbin meanwhile I was to off it with water before throwing it into the dustbin. Little did I know that the little light was gradually turning into fire.

After preparing my noodles, I dish into a plate and went to eat, I still didn't notice the fire. I took my bath and went straight to bed. At midnight, when I got up to use the restroom, I smelt smoke in my room and then I started tracing to know where it was coming from because I thought it was coming from outside.

My God! On opening my kitchen door, I was confused and then I started thinking of what to do. I tried using water to quench the fire, but it wasn't going off. I had to look for my phone immediately to check on what can be used to quench the fire.

That night I didn't sleep because I felt the fire was not off yet, I kept checking my kitchen minute after minute to be sure the fire was off. That experience was not a good one. See how a little mistake would have caused lives and properties, but am glad it didn't spoilt anything.

In life, mistakes are bound to happen. Doctors most times forget Cotton wool in the operated patient's belly, children mistakenly break their parent's precious plates, a young girl can get pregnant in the process of unprotected sex, and you can send 5000 to someone instead of 500 because of a typo error, even in marriage people make mistakes.

editing-1756958_1280.jpgmistake source

No matter the mistake we make in life, they are bound to happen. Mistake is not something one should kill himself or herself, it is something you sit and call yourself to order. Find out why that mistake happened, and what solution should be taken for it not to happen again.

Even the word of God says "If there is no sin, there won't be forgiveness," the same thing as "if there's no mistake, there won't be lessons. So mistake is a stepping stone to our greatness

I am not saying that mistake should be reoccurring, no it shouldn't and if it does, then you need to check your life from the root. But in essence, the mistake is a learning field, an orientation camp, an introduction to a greater tomorrow.

No doubt, we also learn from mistakes. If I didn't have that experience, I wouldn't have known what it means to quench little flames. I may have heard it somewhere but because I was ignorant of it or because I didn't have the experience, I felt nothing was wrong with little flame. My mistake has thought me better.

I invite @beautiful12 @mariami @ruthgold

 11 months ago (edited)

That's right, there is no one who does not make mistakes, imagine friend, that if the same artificial intelligence makes mistakes, how much less we who are human.

The truth is that no mistake is a reason to attempt against our own life, so we must help those who do not know how to face failure or how to react to a mistake made.

It's good that after that fire in your kitchen, nothing bad happened, I think you always have to be alert so you don't make mistakes so often. It is not that we are not going to commit them, but less frequently.

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 11 months ago (edited)

@ninapenda, In order to take advantage of the mistakes we make in life, we first have to accept the fact that we made that mistake.

Acceptance is the first step to learning, since knowing that we made a mistake will look for a way to amend it.

People's lives are plagued with errors, whether small or some others that can affect us for a long time.

Examples, the mistake of leaving the lit match in the garbage can, something that could cause loss of life, in addition to the house.

Thank God it didn't get old and I'm sure you're very aware of checking the kitchen well before you retire.

From that mistake you learned the value of careful attention to cooking.

I say goodbye wishing you have a happy day

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