SEC-S10W3 – In tribute to a father, a hero

in Steem Venezuelalast year

Hello Everyone. I am @msharif
From #Bangladesh

Hello friends how are you all? Hope everyone is well. I am very well with all your prayers. Today I am back again to participate in another contest of Engagement Challenge. Where I will share a few things about my father who is a super hero of my life. I found this a very interesting contest so I would like to thank Steem Venezuela for organizing such a contest.

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Whenever I hear the word Baba or say it in my mouth, I get courage and strength to do any work. Because I think father and mother are one of the most selfless love in this world. Whose love is always selfless. Today I will tell about my father who loved me and all my brothers and sisters selflessly.

My father suffered a lot for us since childhood, because the property that my grandfather had was taken away from us by some bad people due to which later my father had a lot of trouble to earn a living. We are five brothers and sisters and my father was the only money earner in our big family. Because of which he has endured countless hardships to educate us and make us human. He started working from childhood and is involved in various activities so that we are well so that he can help us in our time of need.

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I will always talk about my father who has selflessly loved us all and helped us to reach a better stage and continues to do so.

My father has been in danger many times in his life to keep us well, he has met with various accidents when he went out for various jobs and various insults from various bad people and all this he has borne with his face just to keep us well which is really admirable. My father always wanted to educate us all because he understood the value of education very well. Due to which all of us brothers and sisters have become educated and are slowly trying to fulfill the wishes of my father.

I think that all the fathers in this world, no father can be bad for a child. All fathers are superheroes to their children. All fathers, good or bad, do everything for their children. Yes I love and respect all fathers in this world very much because all fathers in this world are good. Many people say that a mother is the best for a child, it is not wrong, but no one can do the sacrifices a father makes for a child, the hard work a father does to nurture a child and make him a human being. So both father and mother are of immense importance to me and they will always be at the highest peak of my respect. Also I want to say to every people love your parents because your parents are your

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Finally I want to tell everyone that whenever you are in danger you will find that most of the friends you had around you have turned away from you but some people will always be with you that is your parents who brought you into this world. So it is our duty to be grateful to our parents, show them due respect and love. Because I have seen that all the people who have achieved good things in this world have achieved success by loving their parents with their prayers.

I invite @steemdoctor1 @crismenia @solaymann to participate in this contest.

Here is the contest link - SEC-S10W3 – In tribute to a father, a hero

Stay Safe, Stay Happy



All parents would want to live happily with their children. I'm sure it is.
Always successful and healthy friends.

I agree with what you said because without a father we can't do many things even we can't go to education, success for the content

 last year 

El amor de nuestros padres sin duda que es el más sincero y fiel, yo como madre puedo decirte que aveces toca aguantarnos muchas cosas de esas personas malas para poder conservar un trabajo el amor por un hijo hace que tengamos que hacer sacrificios.

Sin duda tu padre es un gran hombre no le importo las veces que tuvo que aguantar todo esto que escribes pero al final todo lo hizo por el gran amor que les tiene.

 last year 

Hola amigo, su padre paso por muchos problemas pero que valientemente se enfrentó a cada uno de ellos, su padre les brindo amor y cariño que es una de las cosas más importantes.

El amor de padre madre son únicos porque son las personas que siempre estarán allí en cada momento para apoyarnos.

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Amigo su padre es un verdadero héroe porque lucho y venció tantos obstáculos para que tu y tus hermanos no les faltara nada en la vida y porque fueran unas personas de bien y con una gran educación, no puedo decir que todos los padre son buenos porque en mi vida nunca tuve la figura paterna a mi lado el nos abandono y nunca se preocupo por nosotros,mientras que tu padre si es un verdadero héroe para ti

 last year 

¡Holaaa amigo!🤗

Los obstáculos se encargan de hacernos mejores personas pero, cuando estos son superados por nuestros padres, tenemos la facultad de admirarlos muchísimo más porque, nos enseñan que en la vida no hay que doblegarnos pero sí aprender de todas las lecciones.

Me alegra saber que su señor padre es un gran héroe amigo y te haya enseñado excelentes valores al igual que, los momentos inolvidables que han vivido.

Excelente publicación💚

Estimado amigo considero que no todos los padres son buenos con sus hijos pero gracias a Dios tenemos padres amorosos y buenos con nosotros. Es increíble y sorprendente todo lo que un padre puede soportar por sus hijos y para sacarlos adelante. Es un cofre de secretos y de misterios la vida de un padre y todo lo que debe sobrellevar y que a veces no lo divulga por razones de caballerosidad y de umbría pero no por ello deja de ser una tarea bastante titanica ser un buen padre de familia. Bendiciones y éxitos.

 last year 

Hola amigo 👋

Su padre se a enfrentado a diferentes peligros solo para darles lo mejor, a los padres no les importa sacrificarse por sus hijos ellos quieren lo mejor, todas las palabras que escribes hacia tu papá son hermosas, sin duda es un gran súper papá.

Fue un placer leer tu participación ☺️ Éxitos.

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