[ESP/ENG] Un agradable día martes/ A nice Tuesday.


Hola queridos amigos de esta hermosa comunidad, bendecido dia, hoy les hablaré de este agradable dia martes en donde aprovecho que estoy de permiso y acomodo mi jardín.

Me levante con mucho animo y mis plantas tambien estan muy bellas por las lluvias que han caido constante, no he tenido la necesidad de regarlas.

Cada vez que voy a cambiarlas de lugar o podar les agrego un poco de abono fresco, esto les cae muy bien y ayuda en su desarrollo.

Las de tomate me estan cargando ya que se estaba dificultando por los gusanos y moscas que no la dejaban pero ahora si van por buen camino.

Como tengo varios árboles en mi jardín debo limpiar casi diario porque sueltan hojas y no quiero que se acumulen, igual las utilizo para abono.

Hello Tuesday, dear friends of this beautiful community, blessed day, today I will talk about this pleasant day where I take advantage of the fact that I am on leave and arrange my garden.

I woke up in great spirits and my plants are also very beautiful due to the constant rains, I have not had the need to give them away.

Every time I go to move them or prune them I add a little fresh fertilizer, this is very good for them and helps in their development.

The tomato ones are carrying me since it was getting difficult due to the worms and flies that wouldn't let it but now they are on the right track.

Since I have several trees in my garden, I have to clean them almost daily because they drop leaves and I don't want them to accumulate, I still use them for fertilizer.



Hoy ha sido un poco soleado y aproveche a lavar ya que dias atras las lluvias no dejaban pero igual es bueno ser paciente y hoy es uno de esos dias donde el sol esta fuerte.

Nunca debe faltar mi taza de cafe que me da esa energia para hacer un buen oficio y mantener mi hogar limpio ha sido una enseñanza de mis padres y agradecida estoy con ellos por inculcarme eso.

Todo lo referente a plantas se lo debo a mi madre que esta allí para apoyarme al igual que mi padre que tambien le gusta cultivar plantas frutales y granos en su campo.

Autor: @merlyned
Teléfono: Blu studio.
Espero que el post les sea de su agrado, saludos.

Today has been a bit sunny and I took the opportunity to wash since days ago the rains did not stop but it is still good to be patient and today is one of those days where the sun is strong.

I should never miss my cup of coffee that gives me the energy to do a good job and keep my home clean has been taught by my parents and I am grateful to them for instilling that in me.

Everything related to plants I owe to my mother who is there to support me as well as my father who also likes to grow fruit plants and grains in his field.

Author: @merlyned
Telephone: Studio Blu.
I hope you like the post, greetings.

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