SEC-S10W2 – Happy Stories

in Steem Venezuelalast year


Hi friends, it's good to be back in your faces. Season 10 of this challenge has been unfolding beautifully. I want to believe you're also enjoying it. It's my pleasure to put forward my entry for this contest. I feel really connected to the subject of discussion.

So let get into it right away, I just hope you find this entry of mine interesting. Do join me as I take you on this ride with me...


Life is beautiful and fun when you have people around you to enjoy and explore it. No doubt, some of our best moments were from the awesome time we spent hanging out with family, friends and loved ones. These moments are priceless m and seems to us like it shouldn't end.

Of course it's not suppose to end but it all depends on us, our actions and inactions can determine to an extent how our relationship with people would thrive. Anyways "relationship" is not the focus for today's write up.

So....yeah! I've had beautiful moments too and one of these moments was with my very close friends. We actually had an hangout where we went to unwind and have a good time. Moment like this is once in a while. When the call was made for us to meet up, I didn't hesitate because I know it would help us bond better and keep beautiful memories.

What did you talk about, what music did you listen to, dance to, or just enjoy the moment?

We discussed a whole lot of things ranging from very serious matters to some trivial ones. We all actually belong to a small vibrant fellowship so we came together to discuss way forward. We held this Meetup/hangout sometimes around January so that we can strategize and map out plan on how we can continue to thrive and flourish.


After the important discussion, we switched into some other random discussion to make the atmosphere very calm and relaxing for all. Of course we made our orders for our preferred meal which was brought to us shortly after the order. Well I don't need to tell you that the meal tasted nice...oops! maybe I just did...smiles.


Tell us any anecdote you have because as we know there is always a special moment that remains engraved in our minds.

Well if I get this question perfectly well, you mean to ask, what effect the moment had on me as a person... Well I would say moments like that are therapeutical. It has a way of revitalizing the body and keeping the soul alive. Each time I looked back at moments like this, I can't but smile and cherish it at the same time.


Funny enough some of us here have changed levels, as some have married even with their offspring, some have been gainfully employed, and other are doing really great in their fields and endeavours. That's the beauty of the company we keep.

In a nutshell, all of these make me feel good, the thought of it brings peace and joy to my soul knowing fully well that we are all doing great where we all are.

From your point of view, what is happiness and how do you seek to achieve it?

To me, happiness is that feeling of excitement that envelops you completely. Although the feeling is momentary, because it usually triggered by something interesting and fascinating which includes events, experience or thoughts.


I achieve happiness in so many ways but all boils down to the fact that I derive happiness by doing what makes me feel good and relaxed. An example is what I've shared above. I can call myself a workaholic, I only find rest late at night after the days job and I hardly have holidays for myself because of the nature of my job.

So when I get an opportunity to unwind, it brings me inexplicably happiness and joy so much so that I explore the opportunity to the fullest. I've learnt to value any moment shared with my family and friends. It's worth more than gold to me.


Here is my story friends, I've come to cherish every bit of time spent with my loved ones, that is where I derive maximum happiness amongst other means. I can't really wait to cease any other opportunity that comes my way.

Thanks you so much for taking your time to journey this far with me. I really appreciate your time. And just before I finally draw the curtain, let me invite my very good friends @ruthjoe @josepha @drhira to this contest. I hope they make out time to drop and entry. Gracias!


 last year 

Hi, friend!!
You are very right, happy moments will always be surrounded by our special people, whether they are family, partner or friends.
You are right, nothing better than relaxing and enjoying the days.
Thank you for participating in our contest and success always.

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Thanks for the review dear friend, it's my appreciated.

 last year 


This post has been supported through the account Steemcurator06. for containing good quality content.

Curated by : @eliany

@eliany, thanks for the support, I really appreciate mama.

My dear friend thank you for the invite.
For me I believe happiness is free. You decide to be happy.

Banking your happiness on people sometimes could be heartbreaking, so happiness begins with you. now seeing from another perspective my dear. You're right.

 last year 

Hola amigo buena publicación.

Tienes mucha razón las felicidades ese sentimiento que nos invade Cuando hacemos algo bien por nosotros o por los demás.

Todo lo que nos guste es lo que nos va a hacer sentir bien y felices por eso siempre mantente haciendo el bien y especialmente esas actividades que tanto te emocionan como el trabajo, del trabajo Siempre sale Muchos éxitos.

Saludos y bendiciones

Thank you so much for your beautiful comment. It very encouraging. Gracias!

Saludos amigo

Compartir con amigos ya sea por trabajo o por alguna celebración especial es momento propicio para el aprendizaje la diversión y la felicidad.

Estoy muy de acuerdo con lo que dices la felicidad está en nosotros y en las cosas simples que nos hacen felices debemos aprender a vivir con lo poco que tenemos y disfrutar de los pequeños momentos porque en ellos hay una dosis de felicidad solo hay que aprovecharlo

Gracias por compartir tu historia con nosotros éxitos

Am glad you can relate with my write up. Thanks for dropping your beautiful comment. Gracias!

 last year 

¡Saludos amigo!🤗

Para ser feliz solo se requiere que tomemos la decisión y, veo que usted lo tiene muy presente por lo tanto, extiendo mis felicitaciones hacia usted porque, esa es la mejor elección que debemos tomar.

Los amigos pasan a ser la familia que hemos seleccionado tener por lo tanto, compartir con ellos es único e inolvidable.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica💚

Thank you so much for your warm remark. Ya much appreciated.

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