SEC-S10W6– "You can also learn from mistakes" || club5050

Assalamualaikum steemians ❤️

How are you? Hope so everyone would be safe and sound as I am also safe Alhamdulillah....

Everyone make mistakes in life and mistakes are always for learning and without mistakes we cannot learn something new everyday. This is very interesting engagement in which I am going to participate so let's start!


What your opinion is about the phrase "you can also learn from mistakes"?

Phrase is very interesting and deep so I agree with it completely that"you can also learn from mistakes." I want to elaborate this statement in away that a human cannot be perfect that's why we cannot say that are human cannot make mistakes so it is important to note that as mistakes are the natural part of life that's why they also provide us many of opportunities for learning further because after making mistakes there is a chance we have in which we can see that what is going wrong and how we can do it more better next time.

To check that what is going wrong and to do better next time is basically apart of self reflection and self improvement that is important for professional development of a person so mistakes can also teaches many lessons. By learning from mistakes a person can be more resilient and can better equipped to handle all the future challenges he can have.

Mistakes can also be a source of inspiration as well as open the door of creativity and there are many great inventions that have been made after making a lot of mistakes for example in the field of medicine there is a drug which is penicillin and it is said that it is made by Alexander Fleming but it was accidental drug because he accidentally left petri dish uncovered and then that medicine was discovered accidently so that was a mistake but still that mistake is giving a lot of benefit. So by embrasing our mistakes as well as learning from them can be best for our future so there is nothing bad in doing mistakes.

What advice would you give to people who think that mistakes are failures?

If there is a thinking of a person who is doing mistakes that mistakes are failures so I would definitely advise them to shift their perspective and two think mistakes in a positive way and in a way of learning and they should think that mistakes are opportunities for more growth and mole learning as well as there is no one which is perfect because perfection is no where so instead of making false perspective about mistakes it is important to truly understand valuable lessons and stepping stones towards success and below I am sharing some tips that help them to change their perspective.


1. Set a mindset for learning and growth

You can set your mind for learning and growth purpose by recognising the abilities and intelligence that you have and for this mindset you should think that through hard work and complete degitation you could be very successful and mistakes are not always failure sometimes and even most of the times day comes in life as an opportunity for more learning.

2. Take mistakes as learning experiences

Reframing of mistakes into a learning experience is very important instead of thinking that you are not capable of doing a specific thing you should think that how you should learn from your mistake to develop better understanding and better knowledge next time and how you can overcome this mistake.

3. Practice self-kindness

Sometimes when a person fails or when a person makes a mistake then he always thinks that mistake is a failure but sometimes there is a need to be very kind and compassionate about yourself and always try to love yourself and so kindness for yourself situation because making a mistake is normal thing and a part of life.

4. Surround yourself with supportive persons

There are many of the persons who surrounds you and always you when you make any mistake but there is a need to be in a company of persons that don't discourage you and that always supports you so it is important to be in company of supportive people.

Do we believe that all experiences make us better every day and are very useful when shared with friends?

I have a strong believe that every experience in life that we get either it is positive experience or it is negative experience we always learn because experience Always Make every coming day better for us and it becomes very useful when it is shared with friends because our experiences shape us being an individual and plats a crucial role in our learning.

When we share these experience without friends then we gain a fresh perspective and in addition out relationships also become more deep and stronger and here are the some reasons for choosing this perspective that why I think that all experiences are valuable:

1. Learning

Any experience that we do has a potential to teach a person something new so we can gain more valuable insights and learn from mistakes by sharing our experiences with others and they can also be benefited from our wisdom.


2. Emotional role

By sharing our experiences with others we gain positive and emotional support from different sincere colleagues and friends that's why it is important to share your experience is with your friends.

3. Strengthen relationships

Sharing experience with different colleagues and friends also strength and relationships with others because it creates an environment of learning so everyone attracts in these type of relations.

That was all about my learning and my thoughts about this phrase.Hope so you all like it...

I want to invite here @wilmer1988 , @goodybest , @suboohi to participate

Thanks 💕


There's a particular math in accounting that we call trial and error. Meaning we learn from mistakes. So we should always forget the mistake and remember the lessons. Success!

I would definitely advise them to shift their perspective and two think mistakes in a positive way and in a way of learning and they should think that mistakes are opportunities for more growth and mole learning as well

Overall I agree with this. The mistakes we make give us the opportunity to learn and make the next best choice. Keep it up mate 👍🏻

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