My Experience With The Diary Game: "A way to capture good moments" by @josantos

in Steem Venezuela2 years ago
Welcome once again to the third week of the engagement challenge. This week a lot of interesting topics are here for us to talk about again. I won't to talk about my experience with the diary game.

Who Invited Me to The Diary Game And My Experience With It

Well, the diary game was introduced to me by @simonnwigwe. He told me about it immediately after introducing me to this noble platform. To him, he said it is the easiest write up one can make in the platform since it does not require any special rules and regulation.

My experience in the diary game is awesome. The reason I said this is because when I started writing the diary game, I couldn't believe what I usually see on daily basis. A lot where been posted by people on the platform all in the name of the diary. I was seriously scared to some extent. I saw people posting their entire life on the platform which to me it's not really too good.

You will see someone eating with his entire family, and then he will post it. Someone went as far as brushing his teeth he also posted it. So the experience I had is some how scary because I don't believe some one will just decided to post everything about himself and his family in this dangerous world we are lining today.


Here in my country there are all sort of things going on like kidnapping, rape, robbery etc. So exposing your entire family and location as well as what you eat and do daily became a problem to me. I was serious very scared. As a matter of fact when I was introduced to the diary, I only made one post about the diary and from that moment I was just been careful because I wouldn't want to expose too much things about my life and family to the entire world.

Advantages Of Thediarygame

i. To me I believe the diary game is a means to keep a concrete record of your entire activities for the day so that if at any time you wish to recall any thing you can rush and read through it.

ii. The diary game also has help me to improve in the way I make presentation of my articles. As I go through the diaries of people on daily basis, my writing skills increases.

iii. The diary game is a lesson for my life as well. I learn how people live their lives on daily basis and I try to imitate them and improve my own life as well.

Disadvantages Of Thediarygame

i. The diary game is a way of exposing my entire self to the world and for that reason i am scared of writing and publishing about my diary. It is suppose to be personal but here every some around the world will have to see my entire life.

ii. The diary game will not be interesting sometimes because our daily activities are normally the same routine and then repeat same post daily won't make sense.

iii. Since votes on the diary is not guaranteed, some times people get discourage because of the effort they might have put in both snapping picture and others and at the end the post does not pay out with something tangible.

Have You Introduce Thediarygame To Anybody?

Well in my case, I have also told others about the diary game. To me my new user in am able to introduce into the platform, I normally connect him or her to @disconnnect so that he or she will see latest contest and in addition I will educate the person about the diary since it does not require any special rules. So all my recruit I do tell them about the diary game.


This is all I have as my experience for the diary game. I do hope you enjoyed reading my article. I want to invite @nahela @whitestallion @bellana to please join the contest.


Thank you my friend for acknowledging me. Indeed the diary game is a place where we can keep track of our daily activities through and still earn some money from it. I encourage you to continue writing the diary.

Thank you so much my friend for your continous guidance, i have really learnt a lot from you sir.

 2 years ago (edited)

Hello @josantos the diary game allows us to share our lives with everyone.

That can have its advantages but also disadvantages, being
balanced is necessary.

In my personal case I really enjoy writing my journals and always try to focus my posting on the positive.

Thanks for the invitation.

Best of success in the contest.

Have a nice day 😀 .

Thanks for your comment dear.

 2 years ago 

Hola amigo.

Tienes razón en cuanto a las desventajas, la situación en algunos países no son las mismas que en otros, además de que debemos de ser muy precavido con la información que suministramos en el diario.

Puede ser algo aburrido leer que todos los días se cepillan los dientes, pero ahí que hacerlo jajajajaj, muchas cosas que leerás pueden ser repetitivas, pero la idea principal del diario es resaltar lo más importante de tu día, lo que realmente te haga recordar ese día, como si el desayuno te gusto o no te gusto o no comiste por alguna razón, o el almuerzo estaba salado, o te caíste saliendo de la casa, son muchos los detalles a resaltar que no necesiten una foto, pero que de solo leerlo, nos haga imaginar a la persona y su reacción.

Me gusto mucho leer tu participación, te deseo suerte.

Thanks my friend for your comment

 2 years ago 

Hello @josantos friend, I understand that many have been afraid of what they write and expose in their diary posts, but I think that just a few fun things from your day to day is enough without giving private details of your life, in the end The Diary Game is just a challenge to have fun writing about the things we like about our day and also to read and support other users.

Thanks for participating

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