SEC-S13W6 – Let's talk about things that could improve the world

in Steem Venezuela9 months ago

Hello all steemit friends wherever you are, good afternoon and best wishes always to everyone... On this occasion I am back to participate in a contest held by the Steem Venezuela Community in the Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 13 Week 6 with the contest theme: "Let's talk about things that could improve the world".


Change is something that always happens in life. Everyone can make changes both for themselves, their family and even for other people. Change itself occurs as a process and not an event. We can't change big things, but we can do small things around us. We can make changes to everyday bad behavior. We can also make changes to habits, such as throwing rubbish in the right place or changing our diet or other simple things.

It is not difficult to make changes as long as you have a strong intention. Something will feel easy to do if it is done with full sincerity. Change can occur intentionally or unintentionally, both in individuals and in organizations. Maybe in making these changes we think we can improve the world. Make changes in small things around you and then escalate to something big. However, if we get used to it, one day these good habits will be able to improve the world by themselves.


Personally, what I want to change are my bad habits that can have negative effects. As a teacher who teaches at a high school, there are many things I want to change. Both related to the learning process and the way I teach in class so that students get maximum results. I hope that the small changes I make in class can have an impact on improving the quality of learning which will ultimately change the world. I don't have any tools to achieve this desire, but I am sure that with strong determination and hard work it can be achieved.

Talking about changes in a country, the government certainly understands better the steps that must be taken. Of course, for change to occur, systems that are not appropriate must be changed. Evaluation of a system must be carried out to achieve the expected results. In this way, the changes made will have an impact on progress. Furthermore, there is another thing that can change a person's life, namely God Almighty. By being obedient in worship and not doing what is forbidden, God willing, God will give us a good life and protect our position from evil people.


That's my post for taking part in this challenge and I also invite friends invite @dirapa, @waterjoe, @wilmer1988, @pelon53, @tocho2, @stef1, @msharif and @pandora2010 to take part in this contest.



Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 9 months ago 

No podemos cambiar cosas grandes, pero podemos hacer cosas pequeñas a nuestro alrededor.

Estupendo porque el cambio comienza por noostros mismos, si hacemos las cosas bien y nos enfocamos correctamente los resultados no sólo nos beneficiarán a nosotros mismos sino a todos en general, es un efecto cadena.

Thank you

Untuk memperbaiki dunia, kita perlu fokus pada pendidikan yang inklusif, akses kesehatan universal, dan keberlanjutan lingkungan. Mengedukasi generasi mendatang dengan nilai-nilai empati dan pemahaman lintas budaya dapat menciptakan masyarakat yang lebih toleran. Selain itu, investasi dalam teknologi ramah lingkungan dan sumber energi terbarukan dapat mengurangi dampak negatif terhadap planet kita. Melibatkan komunitas global dalam dialog dan kerja sama dapat membuka pintu untuk pemecahan masalah bersama. Semua ini memerlukan keterlibatan kolektif dan komitmen dari individu, pemerintah, dan perusahaan untuk menciptakan perubahan positif menuju dunia yang lebih baik.

Hello @fadlymatch,
Change is a gradual process and not usually sporadic, it starts from you taking the bull by the horn, disposíng little dirts and putting things in the right place they should be, it is not an easy drill but change stats from you. The government too can participate in this too. Success in the challenge my dear friend.

 9 months ago 

Hello friend, yes in the world we can change many things and as you say, perhaps they are not such big changes, they would be small, but there is something that starts, although changing a person is not an easy task, now if that person wants a change, we can help.

Any change will depend on us and on the desire that people have for that change to come, whether in their family life, work life, or even the world.

Muchas gracias por participar en este desafío , te deseo éxito.

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