SEC-S18-W1: A Story with my camera | The miracle of life

in Steem Venezuela24 days ago

design with canva

It is my pleasure to take part in this week contest and I can say that this topic is really interesting it touches me as I pick up my phone to take some photographs the story that run through inside me is what I am going to tell now.

Once upon a time in the life of a married woman, two things is involved it's either you both agree to remain without a child or choose to have a child which is a huge responsibility and it is a privilege to handle such responsibilities.

Baby in amniotic fluid

So in a life of a young couple who was opportune to handle this responsibility, both of them watch this fetus grow in the womb every month and they were amazed by what they saw on ultra scan. The love and bond they had for this fetus in the womb was really massive. Right from the womb they started teaching their fetus, they sang, dance and played with the baby every week, the fetus knows them and loves them as well.

Baby first 1 hour on earth

One day, they finally welcome this beautiful princess to the world together, they were inspired to give her a beautiful sweet name that really fit the girl so much they named her Darauwem-eliana which means "Rejoice for life that my God has remembered me" They spend every minute of their life to watch this beautiful princess which is always happy, with her by their side they had every reason to rejoice for life. This baby as her name implies is always joy, she is beautiful and over smart.

The parents spend time together teaching their baby what she needs to know so because they started this learning process early they continue it. They activities of the baby was really fast she walks at 9 months, she started talking at 6 months. At one year three months she understands practically everything in both her native language and in English language then she can do anything you ask her to do so she understands everything.

At 1 year she can mimic any sound she hears, she can also give replies to some questions such as How are you? Will you eat? etc. In short she can comfortably converse with you both on phone calls and physically. She can sing clearly some nursery rhymes, alphabet songs and numbers.

Learning tools

The parent monitored her activities so much and bought her learning tools to aid in building her fine motor skill and with this learning tools she can say alphabet and numbers.

Baby with her baby

"All work without play is said to make Jack a dull boy" So the parent also invested in toys so her daughter can play with. She play and scatter them all round the house, the funniest part is that she has her special way of hyping each of her toys she is always excited to play with them. Among all the toys she had, she is obsessed with her baby roll she hypes her so much, she is always happy to play with it, she practically takes care of her as her baby.

Drama queen

Of all the beautiful side of this princess, she can be so dramatic, she doesn't like eating baby food and she always want to eat by herself. This moment was captured during one of her dramatic scene while eating.

So her parents have seen her grow, seen her change, seen her been brave and they are proud of her. She is adorable, she is unique, she is in deed a Precious gift, her name south her. Darauwem-eliana is her beautiful name and she is in deed a miracle of life.

This song is for this beautiful princess.

I'm proud of you

I want to invite @bela90 @cive40 and @benji019 to take part in this contest.


The love and bond they had for this fetus in the womb was really massive.

I can really feel the deep connection and affection you described here. It's amazing how strong the bond can be even before the baby is born.

At 1 year she can mimic any sound she hears, she can also give replies to some questions such as How are you? Will you eat? etc.

Wow, that’s incredible! It’s fascinating how quickly she developed those skills. She sounds like an exceptionally smart and quick learner.

She play and scatter them all round the house, the funniest part is that she has her special way of hyping each of her toys she is always excited to play with them.

This part made me smile. It’s so cute how she interacts with her toys and has her own unique way of playing. She really brings a lot of joy and energy into your home.

Good luck

 23 days ago 


Congratulations, your comment has been successfully curated by @eliany at 5%.

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Your baby is looking like big. And your kid is looking so innocent. You are always sharing the quality content post. And I agree with you that your daughter is like a princess and your family is a really happy family MA SHA ALLAH. I pray that GOD always bless your family. I always learned a lot from you. Because you are really intelligent. Thanks a lot for sharing a beautiful diary game. It's appreciable

Amiga eliany que bonita historia de una princesa que creció dentro de ese líquido amniótico sin tragarlo ni hacerse daño.

Verla crecer enseñar y reír sus dramas cada vez que no quiere comer comida de bebé debe ser un momento muy feliz para ustedes como padres.

Espero que esta historia siempre tenga un final feliz.

Te deseo todo lo mejor en el reto y en tu vida.

Hahahaha thank you

Baby will not stop acting drama expecially when it comes to what they don't really like. Your baby is so funny and I can see that the bond of love is making her to look very beautiful, smart and well trained baby.

Oh thank you so much I appreciate, how is your baby doing

Hermoso post. Creo que con ese amor y dedicación deberíamos vivir el hecho de convertirnos en Padres. Lo amé. Gracias por compartir. Un abrazo

Oh yeah you are correct, thank you so much

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Felicitaciones, su publication ha sido votado por @scilwa. También puedo ser encontrado en nuestra comunidad de colmena y Peakd así como en mi servidor de discordia

What a creative content. I've gone through many entries but i must day yours is outstanding. Ohh the drama queen, this must be your lovely daughter because she has a photocopy of you. Nice story to be told with your camera lens. Goodluck wishes my Christian sister.

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You are so welcome @eliany :)

 23 days ago 

Hola amiga
Qué linda historia realmente los que somos madres nos alegra mucho la llegada de nuestro bebé y sentirlo en nuestros vientos los movimientos es una emoción muy grande
Te deseo éxito una participación

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